Monday, May 24, 2010

Obama 2001

In the following clip,, an interview in 2001, our President tells WBEZ the Warren Court was not as radical as its reputation suggests.  His observation being that the Warren Court to not break free of the restrictions imposed by the Constitution.  Explaining, he says that the Constitution was constructed to preserve a set of "negative liberties" meant for restricting the what the state can do to citizens.  His complaint is that the Constitution does not enumerate what the is to be done for the citizens.
President also says that redistributing wealth is an administrative task.
In a party last Friday night, with no dissension, it was agreed that President Obama has been erected in a artificial world of education and politic, he has no industrial experience, no experience at building.  In his experience everything that is built requires capital from those with excess.  Without any pragmatic experience is is in effect a true believer, an ideal of Social is achievable.  As a true believer, he has not other path to follow but the one he is on. All agreed that our only hope is to resist until his term of office has ended.  There is no hope that President Obama will come to understand agree with the Constitution's premise, that men have right to seek and work in any manner they chose.  That government is restricted from helping citizens because the founders understood that required the infringement of other citizens rights.
Listen in, these are words from mouth of our leader....


Candidates press flesh at Freedom Festival event

Sometimes I will rip through these artcles suggested and delete. Today I am glad I was more carefull, because DGJ's significant other is quoted.
“I think people need to know what’s going on and educate themselves, and this is a good way to do it,” Greene said.“I think
people need to know what’s going on and educate themselves, and this is a good way to do it,” Greene said.

Wish that I had not been busy on Saturday, would have enjoyed listening to Herman Cain. - Candidates press flesh at Freedom Festival event

Homeland Security may refuse to process AZ aliens

Reported at GOPUSA, a Homeland Security official suggests that the Federal government may refuse to process Arizona illegal immigrant detainees.
Alabama Senator Sessions gets right to the point, if you can't do your job, you should not have the job.
Agreed, any referral would have already been proven to be an illegal immigrant.

GOPUSA » Fresh Ink » Homeland Security may refuse to process AZ aliens

Thursday, May 20, 2010

More unintended consequences...

Link sent by DGJ proves the libertarian position.  Take away the illegality, competition increases, quality improves and prices drop.  Now that some of the suppliers are in distress, liberals would apply their model of modernization, increasing taxes, applying growing restrictions on the most productive, eventually driving the market back underground.  Prices then will rebound.
Not that I really give shit about pot heads in California, it's just funny that they are such a bunch simpering fools.
Thanks for the good link.
Silly Liberals...

Election 2010: Kentucky Senate

Looking at my previous post the report of this pollster is on point.  Rasmussen has taken the temperature of the Kentucky plebicite, results are that Rand Paul has a GIANT lead over the Democratic candidate. 
It is good to see that Kentuckians have enough intelligence to sift through the liberal media's chaf.

Election 2010: Kentucky Senate

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Rand Paul and the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Found this story in the the Atlanta Journal Constitution's opinion section.  Within the short article labelled Rand Paul and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 the AJC's Jim Galloway suggests that he is pointing out a flaw in the Senate candidate's policy makeup. 
In the clip Mr. Paul says that he is against racism yet might have voted with Barry Goldwater in the stance that the Civil Right Act was over reaching.  This, to me, illuminates a true libertarian belief, government should be restricted from enjoining citizens and their own personal rights.  In said situation government must restrict the rights of one person to improve well being of another.  Paul says that the question is abstract which it is, the Act itself will not EVER be repealed, nor is he trying to do so. 
I considered myself a libertarian until 9/11 made clear that libertarian foreign policy was infantile. Party leader Harry Browne's reaction was very similar to that of many Democrats, looking for the causality in own nation.
I think that the liberals, such as Rachel Maddow, think that they have found the golden flaw in Libertarian policy.  What the liberals make clear with this abstract question designed to make Libertarian's belief in limited government equal racism, is that Tea Party types believe that government should be restricted from everything not enumerated in the Constitution.
This is not the smoking gun of anything evil in Rand Paul's beliefs, its a threatened liberal construct designed to unify Democrats against serious Libertarian.
Domestically Libertarians are the opposite of Democrats.
In terms of foreiegn policy Libertarians are much like Democrats.
Galloway is a loser, if he writes any more on this topic it well help disprove his position that he has the inside scoop on anything.

Rand Paul and the Civil Rights Act of 1964

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This was sent to me from iOwnTheWorld...

And then sent to me by DGJ.  I think of this article by John Perry as preposterous, one of the reasons that I unsubscribed from the blizzard of Newsmax articles.  Regardless an amusing read.
This was a Newsmax article that was pulled, but Talking Points Memo mirrored it. The author could always use the Muzzy Defense, made famous in the South Park debacle. He is not advocating what he is writing, he is just reporting what could happen.

Full Text Of Newsmax Column Suggesting Military Coup Against Obama
Here is the full text of John L. Perry’s column on Newsmax which suggests that a military coup to “resolve the Obama problem” is becoming more possible and is not “unrealistic.” Perry also writes that a coup, while not “ideal,” may be preferable to “Obama’s radical ideal” and would “restore and defend the Constitution.” Newsmax has since removed the column from its website.
Obama Risks a Domestic Military Intervention
By: John L. Perry
There is a remote, although gaining, possibility America’s military will intervene as a last resort to resolve the “Obama problem.” Don’t dismiss it as unrealistic.
America isn’t the Third World. If a military coup does occur here it will be civilized. That it has never happened doesn’t mean it wont. Describing what may be afoot is not to advocate it. So, view the following through military eyes:
  • Officers swear to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” Unlike enlisted personnel, they do not swear to “obey the orders of the president of the United States.”
  • Top military officers can see the Constitution they are sworn to defend being trampled as American institutions and enterprises are nationalized.
  • They can see that Americans are increasingly alarmed that this nation, under President Barack Obama, may not even be recognizable as America by the 2012 election, in which he will surely seek continuation in office.
  • They can see that the economy ravaged by deficits, taxes, unemployment, and impending inflation is financially reliant on foreign lender governments.
  • They can see this president waging undeclared war on the intelligence community, without whose rigorous and independent functions the armed services are rendered blind in an ever-more hostile world overseas and at home.
  • They can see the dismantling of defenses against missiles targeted at this nation by avowed enemies, even as America’s troop strength is allowed to sag.
  • They can see the horror of major warfare erupting simultaneously in two, and possibly three, far-flung theaters before America can react in time.
  • They can see the nation’s safety and their own military establishments and honor placed in jeopardy as never before.
So, if you are one of those observant military professionals, what do you do?
Wait until this president bungles into losing the war in Afghanistan, and Pakistan’s arsenal of nuclear bombs falls into the hands of militant Islam?
Wait until Israel is forced to launch air strikes on Iran’s nuclear-bomb plants, and the Middle East explodes, destabilizing or subjugating the Free World?
What happens if the generals Obama sent to win the Afghan war are told by this president (who now says, “I’m not interested in victory”) that they will be denied troops they must have to win? Do they follow orders they cannot carry out, consistent with their oath of duty? Do they resign en masse?
Or do they soldier on, hoping the 2010 congressional elections will reverse the situation? Do they dare gamble the national survival on such political whims?
Anyone who imagines that those thoughts are not weighing heavily on the intellect and conscience of America’s military leadership is lost in a fool’s fog.
Will the day come when patriotic general and flag officers sit down with the president, or with those who control him, and work out the national equivalent of a “family intervention,” with some form of limited, shared responsibility?
Imagine a bloodless coup to restore and defend the Constitution through an interim administration that would do the serious business of governing and defending the nation. Skilled, military-trained, nation-builders would replace accountability-challenged, radical-left commissars. Having bonded with his twin teleprompters, the president would be detailed for ceremonial speech-making.
Military intervention is what Obama’s exponentially accelerating agenda for “fundamental change” toward a Marxist state is inviting upon America. A coup is not an ideal option, but Obama’s radical ideal is not acceptable or reversible.
Unthinkable? Then think up an alternative, non-violent solution to the Obama problem. Just don’t shrug and say, “We can always worry about that later.”
In the 2008 election, that was the wistful, self-indulgent, indifferent reliance on abnegation of personal responsibility that has sunk the nation into this morass.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Mexican President Knocks Arizona Law From White House Lawn

That our President Obama aided the Mexican government by giving the Mexican President the most powerful platform in the world to speak against the active laws of a United State is in itself sedition. Unspeakably wrong.
You should not ever favor the needs of an another nation over the legal standing of citizens. For a President, this is breaking the oath of office.
An amusing aside, the linked clip states the Mexico has issued a travel advisory to its citizens.
A travel advisory, if visitors are legally in our country, they have legal documentation, then there is no problem.
No, this is a warning to border jumpers that have no intention of being lawful.
This is sort of like telling a bootlegger to not sell his product at the poky. » Mexican President Knocks Arizona Law From White House Lawn

Why is Arizona enforcing the laws? Just one reason!!!

You should visit these links and see the pictures of the mess our undocumented workers leave.
I stand with you ARIZONA. Nothing worse than a pissed off focused DGJ!!!
Ms. Brewer, I applaud you!!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hidden Agenda

DGJ sent this to me late last week, it takes about 2 hours to get through the entire set. 
If at all true, points to the manipulation of unwitting citizens by a sub-group with furtive goals.  Young people continue today to be manipulated into protesting when they have only tangential experience with the processes they wish to modify. As I become older I am coming to the conclusion that young people's protestations are given importance in the media in a proportion inverse to their relative worth.  Young people should experience the causal relationships of the workplace and sociaety before they be considered to have a valid opinion about same.
Progressive influences and intentional disruptions that came into vogue during the 1950's and 1960's have now been been anointed reverential respect in mainstream media.  This slurring of the Constitution rights provided is bubbling to the surface today in quasi-acceptable forms of benefits promised, which in turn carry the price rights diminished.  All possible through a slanted media compounded by hijacked educational system that teaches conformation to the peoples need is more important than self need.

Went through this twice... wow... Am I nuts?
The subversion factor...
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14

Monday, May 17, 2010

Hoo Rah

I do not think that Mr. Oscar Nunez expected the answer Miss Oklahoma gave to the loaded question posed.  This woman needs to have lots of babies and salutes to the man that gets to help.

The response of the crowd was emphatically positiv.  Progressive groups are trying their best to portray the Arizona law as racist profiling.  What it is is an affirmation to assert the laws already written and a prohibition on municipalities that choose to ignore the letter of the law.
The Federal government had their chance and refused to address the problem honestly.
You snooze you loose, tough shit Obama, GW Bush and John McCain for that matter too.


An Opinion

An op-ed from the Dever Post, a usually liberal rag.
He is right, I cannot disagree.


Tic Tac Dog

My poor dog has an itching problem.  This has been going on for almost two years.  Last week we had some tests performed, and viola, I am 800$ poorer and still have a dog that can't stop itching without sedation.
The dots on his skin are where the vet did a series of scratch tests.  The playful side of me is tempted to create a connect the dots piece of artwork using a Sharpie.  John Henry wouldn't care.


Friday, May 14, 2010

A Mexican, an Arab and an Arizona girl

Sent to me, amongst others, by SF.
Cute but in real life there is no way the Muslim Arab would sit at a bar with a woman, much less one that drinks without her berka.

A Mexican, an Arab, and an Arizona girl are in the same bar. 
When the  Mexican finishes his beer, he throws his glass in the air, pulls out his pistol, and shoots the glass  to pieces.  He says, 'In Mexico , our glasses are so cheap we don't  need to drink with the same one twice.' 
The Arab, obviously  impressed by this, drinks non-alcohol beer (cuz he's a muslim!),  throws it into the air, pulls out his AK-47, and shoots the glass to pieces.  He
says, 'In the Arab World, we have  so much sand to make  glasses that we don't need to drink with  the same one twice either.' 
The Arizona girl, cool as a cucumber, picks up her beer, downs it in one gulp, throws the glass into the air, whips out her 45, and shoots the Mexican and the Arab.  Catching her glass, setting it on the bar, and calling for a refill, she says, 'In  Arizona , we have so many illegal aliens that we don't have to drink with the same ones twice.'

*God Bless  Arizona *

Thursday, May 13, 2010

MegaVote: GA 13th, 5/10/2010

I would not sign off on anything the has Christopher Dodd's name on it.
Might not ever get the stink off. ( presents:
May 10, 2010
In this MegaVote for Georgia's 13th Congressional District:
Recent Congressional Votes -
* Senate: Shelby-Dodd Amendment; Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010
* House: Home Star Energy Retrofit Act
Upcoming Congressional Bills -
* Senate: Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010
* House: America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010
Recent Senate Votes:
Shelby-Dodd Amendment; Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010
Vote Agreed to (93-5, 2 Not Voting)
The Senate voted to remove a part of the financial reform bill that would have created a $50 billion fund for the FDIC to cover the cost of liquidating failing financial companies.  The Senate voted on several other amendments, and will continue its work on the bill this week.
Sen. Saxby Chambliss voted
Sen. Johnny Isakson voted
Recent House Votes:
Home Star Energy Retrofit Act
Vote Passed (246-161, 23 Not Voting)

The House passed this measure that would authorize a $6.6 billion rebate program for energy-efficient home renovations for households with incomes up to $250,000.  The bill now goes to the Senate.

Rep. David Scott voted
Upcoming Votes:

Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010 - S.3217
The Senate will continue its work on this financial regulatory overhaul legislation.

America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010 - H.R.5116
The House is scheduled to vote on this bill to reauthorize science and technology research programs.

MegaVote is powered by Capitol Advantage (
Copyright (c) 2010.

I Don't Know

After today's lunch I enjoyed a nice lemon flavored fortune cookie.
The fortune suggests that that I can look forward to a period of clarity.
But then it says early this month, well, it's the middle of the month.
Does that mean next month, or have I missed my opportunity.
I am so confused.

Norman Dodd 1982

Dustin sent me the links to six ten minute long clips, of interview with the head of the Reece committee.
Recorded almost 30 years ago, these speak to the intentional warping of public education as a mean to breed a more compliant populace. In predictable circles Norman Dodd is reviled, I find this interview to illuminate a rational man who aimed to apply his intelligence and unify that with his patriotism.
In the end all governments seek to expand their power, in these clips Mr. Dodd explains how that pesky Constitution thing is seen as an impediment that needs to be circumvented.
Which of course was exactly what the Constitution and Bill of Rights were intended to construct, PROTECTION  FROM GOVERNMENT.
This will take an hour to get through but it is worth the trouble.

Part 1

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Montebello High School in California

This is from an email I received from SF yesterday. I do not know the author of the words below.  I see happy children, presumable of Hispanic decent or actually Mexican.  I see excitement and pride in the Mexican flag, not unlike seeing the Italian flag in New England when I was a child. A major, huge, difference is the symbolic upturned flag which is meant to signify distress, placed under the Mexican flag.  This is intentional disrespect, something that I never experienced as a child.  Having attended the funerals of veterans, the flag of the United States is meant to be symbol of strength and purity of our country.  Intentional disrespect of the flag is part of free speech, no doubt, but in this portrayal by CHILDREN, who have NO exposure to PATRIOTISM and SACRIFICE for ones country, have no standing and no right to be respected.  That is earned by voting, serving and paying taxes, none of which these little bastards have done.

After writing this, I did a search, Snopes says it is true, happened in 2006, then found the school's web site:

On the opening page is says:

Montebello High School Students NOT Responsible for Flag Incident on March 27, 2006
Link to an explanation by the school:

Led by the statement:

First of all, please be advised that the students depicted in the photograph were not Montebello High School students.
Its funny how the internet is, you get emails and pictures, their place an perspective in time is often unclear. From this I feel bad for the school's and children's reputations. The offenders now identified as a spontaneous demonstators from high schools in Whittier and Pico Rivera deserve the above anger.

You will not see this heart-stopping photo on the front page of the NY Times, nor on the lead story of the major news networks. The protesters at Montebello High School took the American flag off the school's flag pole and hung it upside down while putting up the Mexican flag over it.

Pass this along to every American citizen in your address books and to every representative in the state and federal government.. If you choose to remain uninvolved, do not be amazed when you no longer have a nation to call your own nor anything you have worked for left since it will be 'redistributed' to the activists while you are so peacefully staying out of the 'fray'. Check history, it is full of nations/empires that disappeared when its citizens no longer held their core beliefs and values. One person CAN make a difference....
One plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one........ ..
The battle for our secure borders and immigration laws that actually mean something, however, hasn't even begun.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

NRA News: UN Doomsday Treaty With Ginny Simone

As collectivist governments seek to unify power, disarming the citizens of their respective countries becomes important. Governments always seek to increase their scope, this accelerates their obsolesence, but only after ruining their subjects.

The Enemy is Capitalism and Imperialism

Mr professor here says that the enemies of his revolutionaries are capitalism and imperialism That the problem is nations is that they have borders.
The fact that the capitalism of Adam Smith has fostered the most business fertile nation on Earth, a nation that Mexican nationals prefer to their own. A nation that Mexican national risk life and limb to come to.
That any university gave this man a Phd is beyond me, he is racist, he is blind to what creates wealth in the world, he idolizes murderers such as Che.

Lebanon: Israel stole 185 goats

I had to go look it up, sure enough, in an article labeled Barnyard Dispute, Ynet news, a Jewish publication, describes how Lebanon has gotten the United Nations to assist in the retrieval of lost goats.  DGJ notes the last sentence which reads: 
A year earlier, UN soldiers shot down an Israeli bull which crossed the border into Lebanon in order to drink from the same pool.  The bull was shot after trying to storm the UN forces.
These jokers are like the Hatfields and the McCoys, do the Lebanese have nothing better to do than bitch to the United Nations about some pack of goats that is lost in some shitty desert?  Can’t we all just get along?,7340,L-3886474,00.html
Was one of the Arabs engaged to said goats???
The UN Security Council is a joke, why we spend billions of dollars here is beyond me...
Last two sentences of the article... UN soldiers shot down an Israeli bull which crossed the border into Lebanon in order to drink from the same pool. The bull was shot after trying to storm the UN forces. Storm AK-47's??? Poor bull.
Last week this same corrupt farce elected Iran to the council FOR women's rights???
Stop this UN madness!!! It's Bull Shit!!!

The Government Can

Not exactly Sammy Davis Junior in the delivery but surely more appealing.

Monday, May 10, 2010

I want to explain SB 1070 for which I voted yes

Thank you for the pointer from DGJ.

Politicians close to the battleground taking stands to protect their citizens.

The Federal government has failed, is failing, its citizens that they are oath bound to protect.

Advance states rights, reaffirm the structural design of the country.t ate Senator Sylvia Allen responds t

I’m Arizona State Senator Sylvia Allen. I want to explain SB 1070 for which I voted yes. Rancher Robert Krentz was murdered by the drug cartel on his ranch a month ago. I participated in a senate hearing two weeks ago on the border violence, here is just some of the highlights from those who testified.
The people who live within 60 to 80 miles of the Arizona/Mexico Border have for years been terrorized and have pleaded for help to stop the daily invasion of humans who cross their property . One Rancher testified that 300 to 1200 people a DAY come across his ranch vandalizing his property, stealing his vehicles and property, cutting down his fences, and leaving trash. In the last two years he has found 17 dead bodies and two Koran bibles. Another rancher testified that daily drugs are brought across his ranch in a military operation. A point man with a machine gun goes in front, 1/2 mile behind are the guards fully armed, 1/2 mile behind them are the drugs, behind the drugs 1/2 mile are more guards. These people are violent and they will kill anyone who gets in the way. This was not the only rancher we heard that day that talked about the drug trains. One man told of two illegal’s who came upon his property one shot in the back and the other in the arm by the drug runners who had forced them to carry the drugs and then shot them. Daily they listen to gun fire during the night it is not safe to leave his family alone on the ranch and they can’t leave the ranch for fear of nothing being left when they come back.

The border patrol is not on the border. They have set up 60 miles away with check points that do nothing to stop the invasion. They are not allowed to use force in stopping anyone who is entering. They run around chasing them, if they get their hands on them then they can take them back across the border. Federal prisons have over 35% illegal’s and 20% of Arizona prisons are filled with illegal’s. In the last few years 80% of our law enforcement that have been killed or wounded have been by an illegal. The majority of people coming now are people we need to be worried about. The ranchers told us that they have seen a change in the people coming they are not just those who are looking for work and a better life.

The Federal Government has refused for years to do anything to help the border states . We have been over run and once they are here we have the burden of funding state services that they use. Education costs have been over a billion dollars. The healthcare cost billions of dollars. Our State is broke, $3.5 billion deficit and we have many serious decisions to make. One is that we do not have the money to care for any who are not here legally. It has to stop.

The border can be secured. We have the technology and we have the ability to stop this invasion. We must know who is coming and they must come in an organized manner legally so that we can assimilate them into our population and protect the sovereignty of our country. We are a nation of laws. We have a responsibility to protect our citizens and to protect the integrity of our country and the government which we live under. I would give amnesty today to many, but here is the problem, we dare not do this until the Border is secure. It will do no good to give them amnesty because thousands will come behind them and we will be over run to the point that there will no longer be the United States of America but a North American Union of open borders. I ask you what form of government will we live under? How long will it be before we will be just like Mexico , Canada or any of the other Central American or South American country? We have already lost our language, everything must be printed in Spanish. We have already lost our history, it is no longer taught in our schools, and we have lost our borders.

The leftist media has distorted what SB 1070 will do. It is not going to set up a Nazi Germany. Are you kidding? The ACLU and the leftist courts will do everything to protect those who are here illegally, but it was an effort to try and stop illegal’s from setting up businesses, and employment, and receiving  state services and give the ability to local law enforcement when there is probable cause, like a traffic stop, to determine if they are here legally. Federal law is very clear, if you are here on a visa you must have your papers on you at all times. That is the law. In Arizona all you need to show you are a legal citizen is a driver license, MVD identification card, Native American Card, or a Military ID. This is what you need to vote or get a hunting license. So nothing new has been added to this law. No one is going to be stopped walking down the street.  The Socialists who are in power in DC are angry because we dare try and do something.The Socialists wants us to just let them come. They want the “Transformation” to continue.

Maybe it is too late to save America . Maybe we are not worthy of freedom anymore. But as an elected official I must try to do what I can to protect our Constitutional Republic . Living in America is not a right just because you can walk across the border. Being an American is a responsibility and it comes by respecting and upholding the Constitution, the law of our land, which says what you must do to be a citizen of this country. FREEDOM IS NOT FREE.

Senator Sylvia Allen .

They Keep Trying

I am guessing the Executive Director of the FBI does not use the AOL account at work to advise citizens to trust offers of thieving Nigerians.

Sent: Friday, May 07, 2010 9:36 PM

We believe this notification meet you in a very good present state of mind and health. The Federal bureau of investigation (FBI) Washington, D.C in conjunction with some other relevant Investigations Agencies here in the United states of America have recently been informed through our Global intelligence monitoring network that you presently have a transaction going on with the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) as regard to your over-due contract payment which was fully endorsed in your favor accordingly. It might interest you to know that we have taken out time in screening through this project as stipulated on our protoco of operation and have finally confirmed that your contract payment is 100% genuine and hitch free from all facet and of which you have the lawful right to claim your fund without any further delay. Having said all this, we will further advise that you go ahead in dealing with the Central Bank office accordingly as we will be monitoring all their services with you as [it stopped here, the scumbag must have lost his train of thought and did not complete the sentence]
In addition, also be informed that we recently had a meeting with the Executive Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, in the person of Mr Sanusi Lamido and Mr. Paul Jones along with some of the top officials of the ministry regarding your case and they made us to understand that your file has been held in a base depending on when you personally come for the claim. They also told us that the only problem they are facing right now is that some unscrupulous element are using this project as an avenue to scam innocent people off their hard earned money by impersonating the Executive Governor and the Central Bank office. We were also made to understand that a lady with name Mrs. Joan C.Bailey from OHIO has already contacted them and also presented to them all the necessary documentations evidencing your claim purported to have been signed personally by you prior to the release of your contract fund valued at about US$8,000,000.00 (Eight million united states dollars),and as soon as i have received an immediate response from you do note that we shall begin with the process of the transfer of your funds to your mailing or address.

We was further informed that we should warn our dear citizens who must have been informed of the contract payment which was awarded to them from the Central Bank of Nigeria, to be very careful prior to this irregularities so that they don't fall victim to this ugly circumstance.And should in case you are already dealing with anybody or office claiming to be from the Central Bank of Nigeria,you are further advised to STOP further contact with them in your best interest and then contact immediately the real office of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) only with the below informations accordingly:

OFFICE ADDRESS: Central Bank of Nigeria,
Central Business District,
Cadastral Zone, Abuja, Federal.
Capital Territory, Nigeria.

NOTE: In your best interest, any message that doesn't come from the above email address and phone number should not be replied to and should be disregarded accordingly for security reasons. Meanwhile, we will advise that you contact the Governor of the Central Bank immediately with the above email address and request that they attend to your payment file as directed, so as to enable you receive your contract fund accordingly.

To this effect, you are required to reconfirm and authenticate your given particulars below for certainty and onward processing and release of you funds as we may not be held liable for any wrong payment.

FULL NAMES: __________________________________
CITY: _________________________
STATE: __________________________________
ZIP: ______________
SEX: _______________
AGE: __________________
TELEPHONE NUMBER: _____________________

Ensure you follow all their procedure as may be required by them as that will further help hasten up the whole procedures as regard to the transfer of yourfund to you as designated. Also have in mind that the Central Bank of Nigeria equally have their own protocol of operation as stipulated on their banking terms, so delay could be very dangerous.

Once again, we will advise that you contact them with the above email address and make sure you forward to them all the necessary information which they may require from you prior to the release of your fund to you accordingly. All modalities has already been worked out even before you were contacted and note that we will be monitoring all your dealings with them as you proceed so you don't have anything to worry about.

All we require from you henceforth is an update so as to enable us be on track with you and the Central Bank of Nigeria. Without wasting much time, will want you to contact them immediately with the above email address so as to enable them attend to your case accordingly without any further delay as time is already running out. Should in case you need any more informations in regard to this notification, feel free to get back to us on this email so that we can brief you more as we are here to guide you during and after this project has been completely perfected and you have received your contract fund as stated.

Thank you very much for your anticipated co-operation in advance as we earnestly await your urgent response to this matter.

Best Regards,

Robert S. Mueller III.
Federal Bureau of Investigation.
J. Edgar Hoover Building.
935 Pennsylvania Avenue,
NW Washington, D.C.

[SPAM]Your Account has been suspended

Just guessing, but I think this is bogus, maybe because I do not have an account with SunTrust.  We do not know who scrapper906 is it is a safe bet sure he is not affiliated with a bank of any sort.  Watch your clicks folks, there’s bad people out there.  I have removed the links, do not want to be the cause of some poor schlub loosing his money.

From: SunTrust Banks, Inc []
Sent: Friday, May 07, 2010 9:52 PM
Subject: [SPAM]Your Account has been suspended

Dear Customer
Your Online Banking Account needs to be verified to allow you have access to online banking:
So we have issued this final warning message to you

This email is sent from our secure server to verify your Online Banking Account
as there have been a multiple error logons and Account failure.
Your access to online banking has been suspended temporaly for security reasons by Suntrust Bank
Re-Verify your account now and enjoy the benefits of suntrust Online Banking.
All informations entered must be accurate and correct for your online access to be re-activated.
You must activate and verify your Online Banking Account to have access to online banking

Thank You,
SunTrust Banks, Inc.

Accounts Management As outlined in our User Agreement, SunTrust Banks, Inc will periodically send you information about site changes and enhancements. Visit our Privacy Policy and User Agreement if you have any questions.

Friday, May 7, 2010

You Owe Us America

I made a real attempt to zoom in on this picture and see if it was Photoshopped. I am not an expert but this appears to be at least a real picture. This next possibility is that the poster is held by a tea bagging plant trying to smear the good name of illegal aliens.
Wait, is that page from the Alinsky model?
Wait, did I say illegal?
Wait, aren't Mexican required to carry papers within their own country?
Maybe they just don't like having to abide to laws, many of their actions suggest so.
If true, the man should be sought out and deported.

My Fortune

Today I had sweet and sour shrimp for lunch, House of China does a good job on the shrimp.
My fortune cookie gave me the above hint at my future.
So here goes...
Put a bumper sticker on your car "Vote Against David Scott -  Save the Republic".
The true reward won't be for a couple of months, but the immediate unseen rewards will be:
  1. pissing off David Scott supporters
  2. recruitment of more forces and the rebellion against democratic tyranny.
Just spitballing here.
How can I turn every facet into a means of defeating this man?


MegaVote: GA 13th, 5/3/2010

This week David Scott voted for Puerto Rican statehood.  Fact is I don't really care either way and expect that the unless properly mis-labelled will be rejected by the Commonwealth populace.   It is an unabashed grab for Democratic votes in the Senate and House of Representatives. ( presents:
May 3, 2010
In this MegaVote for Georgia's 13th Congressional District:
Recent Congressional Votes -
* Senate: Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010
* House: IMPROVE Acquisition Act of 2010
* House: Puerto Rico Democracy Act
Upcoming Congressional Bills -
* Senate: Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010
* House: Home Star Energy Retrofit Act of 2010
Recent Senate Votes:
Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010
Vote Rejected (56-42, 2 Not Voting)
The Senate failed for a third time last week to approve this procedural motion and begin floor debate on this legislation to overhaul financial regulations.  However, it appears the Senate will proceed to floor debate this week and begin voting on amendments to the bill.
Sen. Saxby Chambliss voted
Sen. Johnny Isakson voted
Recent House Votes:
IMPROVE Acquisition Act of 2010
Vote Passed (417-3, 10 Not Voting)
The House overwhelmingly passed this measure that would require the Defense Department to develop a system with specific metrics, including targeted schedules and cost objectives, for the acquisition of weapons, information technology and services.  It would also direct Defense Department officials to set up a system by 2017 to reward organizations that meet objectives and penalize those that do not.  The bill now goes to the Senate.
Rep. David Scott voted
Puerto Rico Democracy Act
Vote Passed (223-169, 1 Present, 37 Not Voting)
The House approved this bill to establish a two-stage process to determine Puerto Rico's political status.  The first step would be a referendum on the question of whether to maintain or change Puerto Rico's current status as a commonwealth.  If a majority of Puerto Ricans were to vote for a new status, then a second vote would be held to ask residents whether they favor statehood, full independence, independence with a special political association with the United States, or to retain the current commonwealth status.  The legislation goes to the Senate.
Rep. David Scott voted
Upcoming Votes:
Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010 - S.3217
The Senate will continue its work on this financial regulatory overhaul legislation.
Home Star Energy Retrofit Act of 2010 - H.R.5019
The House is scheduled to vote on this bill that would provide benefits for home energy efficiency retrofits.
MegaVote is powered by Capitol Advantage (
Copyright (c) 2010.

Thanks for writing

DGJ forwarded this auto response from David Scott. I saw enough in the fall break when he dodged health care questions in a Douglasville town hall meeting. This representative has tuned out conservatives. I am glad to be so protected by such a standard bearer for liberal ideals, gives me the opportunity to help defeat something corrosively evil.
DGJ as follows.....
I got exactly the same response from heath care, cap and trade and financial
reform petitions... Is this wind bag listening to its constituents???

----- Original Message -----
From: "Congressman David Scott" <>
Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2010 12:03 AM
Subject: Thanks for writing

> Thank you for contacting me and my staff. Your input is invaluable as I
> rely on communication from the district to guide my decisions and actions
> in the U.S. House of Representatives. Please express your opinions through
> my website at as often as you can and feel
> free to contact my offices directly with your questions and concerns.
> Lastly, make sure you frequent our website for the latest updates on the
> work that I'm doing in Washington and for other helpful information
> including my legislative record, requesting help with government agencies,
> and visiting Washington, DC.
> It is my honor to represent the Thirteenth District of Georgia and I hope
> to have your continued correspondence on matters of concern to you.
> Sincerely,
> s/
> David Scott
> Member of Congress

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Arizona TV Ads Push Immigration Cuts & Enforcement (elevator)

More of the same, articulate, suggests effect on all races and sexes, states effect on may skills. Asks us to press Washington to protect citizen workers.

Arizona TV Ads Push Immigration Cuts & Enforcement (kitchen table)

Inoffensive, asks for Washington to protect citizen workers.

Hartsfield-Jackson-Gonzales International Airport: Part 2

Part 2 of the same.
I have been saying for a few years now that if the flow if Mexican aliens continues, the demographics of Atlanta will be very different in 25 years.  Like the recent change that added former mayor Maynard's surname to the airport identification, the title will get another ammendment.
Perhaps this is an omen.
This is simply employers tring to increase profits by using illegals, there will be a correction.
I have little doubt.

Hartsfield-Jackson-Gonzales International Airport: Part 1

Thanks to WSB for exposing lawbreakers at home.
It sounds as if the local government was unaware and will react.
Protect our citizens.
Elect Nathan Dean.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Where No One Locks The Door

Every day I get the GOPUSA newsletter by email.  Here I was reading along and thinkg this was a true story. Then at the end I realized that this is just a fictional anecdote for what the state of Arizona is having to go through.  The Mexican illegal immigrants have been tolerated by Arizonans and encouraged by the duplictous Federal goverment to inaction, then when a citizen suffers, sharper still, dies, Arizona reacts in a manner that says we are going to enforce the existing laws.  Result, they are characterized as a bunch of racists.
The Federal goverment has abandoned the right of its citizens by ignoring its responsibility to protect.  By protect I mean both phyically and in application of favor in terms of Constitutional rights.

Where No One Locks The Door -- Doug Patton -- GOPUSA

This ain't a damned campfire, and I ain't about to sing kumbaya with a bunch of illegally present,  tax evading, public dole expending Mexicans.

And I am not a racist for wanting to protect and keep what is mine.  The only things I have to give this work are the fruits of my intellect (limited as it is), and phyical labor, both come from the only thing we have as people, time on earth.  It's bad enough that the government wants to take my time, my life, for redistribution to less fortunate citizens, but is is plain wrong to expand the part of the unfortunate because you want the future hispanic vote.

Bunch of whore they are.
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Monday, May 3, 2010

Overview of America

From the spirited DGJ…..

Oligarchy or Republic??? America at a Crossroad...

John Birch Society – Overview of America – Part 1

John Birch Society – Overview of America – Part 2
a bit of a repeat at the beginning...

John Birch Society – Overview of America – Part 3

John Birch Society – Overview of America – Part 4