Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Vote to Display the Flay

Got this email this morning from DGJ......
The link is real enough, a was surprised to see that almost 1/3 of the participants voted yes.
We will see where the results are in a day or two.
Your help is needed. I did check this out and there is a poll worded just as this states below.
Fox is running a poll about whether the flag should be banned in schools in order not to inflame Hispanic students. The poll is being sandbagged by SEIU and we should mount a counter action if you agree with me that the flag should be taken down for no one., Organizing for America , and SEIU have been twittering today to go to Fox Poll and vote to ban the Flag .... and right now it is working.

SHOW THEM WHAT TRUE PATRIOTS BELIEVE!!! Let's flip those numbers and show the leftists we are organized and on the move....flip the numbers now-FLIP THE HOUSE in November!


..........and then pass it along!

1 comment:

  1. Checked it out today and here are the results.
    No. This is a lame decision. Teach the kids what the flag means, instead of banning it. 64.2% 1,393,557 votes)
    Yes. The safety of students comes first. 27.4% 595,626 votes)
    The Yeahs are slipping but not enough to sooth my worried heart.


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