Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Law and Order Guy

The second old bald dude in charge... "Attorney General Eric Holder said he will remain on the job only 'for about a year.' That should be enough time to finish all the necessary document-shredding." Fred Thompson

Sunday, November 25, 2012


A week ago today I went to get cut at the hairdresser my wife uses.  Have been getting my cuts there for the last 16 years, since we've gotten married. The barber/hairdresser does excellent work, far better than the quick franchise type hatchet jobs.
During my wait there was a lady the barber was giving what was a probably permanent.  The two were chatting about the recent election, and about how "interesting" the results were.  The woman's husband is apparently politically involved Democrat and the barber is a gay man. No doubt the hat trick of upper income Democrat politico, woman's rights and gay rights put their concentric circles of political thought on the left.
The discussion went the way that I've been hearing in the liberal media. They parroted that white men are in the minority and better change their attitudes if they want to be heard. By changing their attitudes and approach Republicans might have a better chance of being elected.
Basically the talk was, that Republican men needed to become Democrats if they wanted to be in the winning side of politics.
It may be true that Republicans will not dominate the course of politics for the next few years, I am disappointed with that but have to live with the fact that the majority of Americans feel differently.  It is a small majority, but a majority neverless that because of population trends may become greater.
What really angered me about the discussion was the absence of understanding that there is a very large minority of persons in the United States that believe in conservative values.  The suggestion that conservative values need to be abandoned is embarrassingly naive. If Conservatives, including white Republican men are in the minority so be it, we'll be the loyal minority.  You can rest assured that I will never believe in encroachment on of any of the rights granted in our founding documents (unlike the ACLU mind you), I will never believe in government organized income redistribution and I will never believe in government sponsored racism.  The suggestion that I embrace the ideals of a political party that advocates theft of income, theft of life, theft of hereditary property, and theft of the 2nd Amendment is unimaginable.
Furthermore, suppose I did throw down my Conservative beliefs, do you think that the Democratic party would stop demonizing me?  The answer is NO.  The President ran this last campaign without offering ANY substantive ideas for improving the failed policies of the last four years, every single thing that we saw him offer was the suggestion that Romney was a later day Bush.  I should remind here that the first seven years of the Bush administration were fiscally wonderful in comparison to any of the last four years of the Obanma administration. The Democratic campaign was entirely negative and it worked. Democrats win elections by creating the illusion that they are the most concerned party for the needs of the people.  Despite evidence that decades of governmental social engineering has been a failure.  After the start of the Depression, the NRA, the AAA and like minded government programs have been mathematically been proven to have slowed the recovery of the economy.  Unemployment increased as a result of the programs.  Johnson's Great Society programs have left us with the current conditions Medicare Medicaid eminent failures.  Government sponsored home loan assistance caused the housing bubble that led to the crash on 2007-8.  All of these are Democratic programs at their core, and they all failed.
I will never support any of it.
I'll be demonized whether I do or not, it is a method of political sucess.

Back to the haircut.  On hearing this tripe, I decided, without comment, to wait outside in the cool sunshine.  The barber called me in on my turn, apparently unaware of my opinion, my superior logic or decision never to return.  This hairdresser was paid well for good service over many years, now has one less customer. I will not do business with any person that expects me to become a liberal just for the priviledge of being the whipping boy on the winning team.

Congress at Work (sic) ( presents: MEGAVOTE November 19, 2012
In this MegaVote for Georgia's 13th Congressional District:
Recent Congressional Votes -
  • Senate: Cybersecurity Cloture
  • Senate: Sportsmens Access to Federal Land Cloture
  • House: Russia Trade Relations, Human Rights Oversight Passage

The Senate is in recess until Monday, November 26, 2012. The House is in recess until Tuesday, November 27, 2012.  Do you think we can get them r the next two years?

Recent Senate Votes:
Cybersecurity Cloture
Vote Rejected (51-47, 2 Not Voting)
In contrast to the brisk movement toward passage of the Sportsmen's Act, cybersecurity legislation once again ran aground in the Senate after a failure to invoke cloture. Despite the entreaties of the bill's sponsors, Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs chairman Joseph I. Lieberman, I-Ct. and ranking member Susan Collins, R-Me., Republicans (as well as five Democrats) refused to end debate on the bill. Concerns in the business community remain a major stumbling block. The Chamber of Commerce and its congressional allies are wary that security standards established by the bill could morph from voluntary to mandatory once they become law. Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. declared that "cybersecurity is dead for this Congress." The House passed a much less ambitious bill earlier this year that focused on information sharing between the government and private sector entities. President Obama threatened to veto that measure, citing privacy concerns, while endorsing the Senate bill. With the Senate deadlocked, any action in the remainder of the year is likely to come from the White House, which has reportedly drafted an executive order to protect vital computer networks from attack.
Sen. Saxby Chambliss voted NO

Sen. Johnny Isakson voted NO
Do you see what this suggests; Congress cannot come to agreement so the President is going to usurp the situation again. With the callous lack of concern this administration shows for business you can pretty much guarantee that they are screwed if the Senate acts and royally fucked if the President acts unilaterally.

Sportsmens Access to Federal Land Cloture
Vote Agreed to (84-12, 4 Not Voting)
The Senate moved one step closer last week to passing a bill with a smorgasbord of provisions designed to appeal to outdoor enthusiasts, voting affirmatively on both a motion to proceed (Roll Call 201) and later invoking cloture on the bill. Sponsored by Democrat Jon Tester, D-Mont., the Sportsmen's Act of 2012 would exempt ammunition and fishing equipment from EPA regulation; ease a ban on importation of polar bear trophies from Canada; and allow the issuance of permits for individuals carrying bows and crossbows to cross national park land. The bill would reauthorize a number of wildlife conservation measures, as well as a law to facilitate the sale or exchange of federal land with non-federal landowners whose holdings lie within the boundaries of federal tracts. Budget Committee ranking member Jeff Sessions, R-Ala. raised a point of order last week regarding spending on duck stamps authorized in the bill. The point of order is expected to be overridden, with final passage coming after the Thanksgiving recess. President Obama supports the bill.
Sen. Saxby Chambliss voted YES
Sen. Johnny Isakson voted YES
Get ready boys; the Senate may act like they are in the sportsman and 2nd Amendment backer’s court but as soon as the President starts stripping gun rights in this second term, they will roll over like the lapdogs they are. When the  time comes they WILL ignore the Bill of Rights, under the argument iof being pragmatic and Se.

Recent House Votes:

Russia Trade Relations, Human Rights Oversight Passage
Vote Passed (365-43, 25 Not Voting)
In its first week of legislative action since the November 6 elections, the House moved on a measure to establish Permanent Normal Trade Relations with the Russian Federation. By an overwhelming and bipartisan majority, the lower chamber endorsed a measure to essentially repeal 1970s-era restrictions on trade with Russia and Moldova that were originally implemented because the Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc nations denied freedom of emigration to their Jewish citizens. The legislation was necessitated by Russia's recent accession to the World Trade Organization, which was finalized in late August. If U.S. trade restrictions are not lifted, American goods could become subject to retaliatory tariffs, closing off a potentially lucrative new market. The Russia trade title includes several requirements for oversight from the U.S. Trade Representative to ensure Russia is living up to its new WTO obligations. Legislators more skeptical of closer ties with Russia fought for the inclusion of human rights provisions in the legislation. These include a sense of Congress statement the U.S. should support democracy and human rights activists in Russia. The teeth of the provisions, however, center on the ordeal of Sergei Magnitsky, a Russian attorney who died under suspicious circumstances while in police custody in 2009. The president will be required to compile a list of names of those responsible for Magnitsky's abuse and death. Those individuals will be denied entry to the U.S. and their assets will be frozen. The White House is officially supportive of the combined measure, though the Magnitsky provisions are already causing headaches with Moscow. The bill now moves to the Senate, where the Finance and Foreign Relations panels have already passed similar measures.
Rep. David Scott voted YES
Free trade is good, but whatever our government designs surely will not be free trade. Also, whatever the Russian Federation’s objectives are, they are not understood by a government that cannot manage its own financial affairs. Almost certainly this involves some sort of financial incentive (aka bribe) to the Russians at the behest of some US business concern.

MegaVote is powered by the CQ-Roll Call Group (
Copyright (c) 2012.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Four DUMB Excuses

I am on the mailing list for MoveOn and generally find their email to be simple yet spunky. 

This is a good example in the sense that it talks of the evil Hostess owners and how wrong it is for them to blame workers who make less than $20.00 per hour. Ignoring the fact that if they are making less than $20.00 per hour they probably have no business discussing the macro-economic effect of unions on private industry.  They are sheep, maybe hard working sheep, but nevertheless sheep, led down the path to unemployment by a self-serving union.
Not that it will matter to MoveOn's moronic target market, but the owners did not blame the workers, they blamed the union.  They blamed the union for demanding work rules based on the illogical purpose of increasing the work force size.  This is contrary to lean manufacturing principles and contrary to good common sense.  Market demand should be the main factor in deciding workforce size.  Market competitiveness is also the best for setting both prices of goods sold and wages paid.
Like a governement, as a business piles on unproductive costs, durability and competiveness suffer.

Four Short Sentences Explain Who Killed The Twinkie

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Get Out the Vote

Just damn...

Glad that my wife and I are like minded.  Sane people would never do such a thing, but you can be sure that I would would have gotten a ration of shit if I even had thoughts of voting for the sitting president.

There is no gender voting gap in my family.

We need to set her up with Sheriff Joe Arpaio, park that SUV at southern border and release her rath on illegals that have climbed the fence.

Gilbert PD: Daniel Solomon run over by wife, Holly Solomon, for not voting

Monday, November 12, 2012

Duck Calls

When I was coming up my favorite outdoor activity was duck hunting. Getting up at o dark thirty, climbing into the woods, setting the decoys, keeping the dogs quiet and your face down.
On a recent trip to Louisiana, I learned that the town I was staying was the same as that of some rednecks in a new A&E reality show. Since I have become a fan of "Duck Dynasty".

Sunday, November 4, 2012

I Hope This Isn't Just Wishful Thinking

A little poem borrowed copied from Grouchy Old Cripple.
Control is lost from time to time, and I have been known to be vulgar in my expressions about the President. The President should be shown respect as my contribution as a citizen.  So, there is effort on  my part to keep nasty comments to a minimum. 
There is no doubt in my mind that Dinesh D'Souza is correct in his theory that President's core belief is that Imperialism is a foundation of America that wrong and needs to be corrected.  While arguments, that I disagree with, are plausible that the United States has behaved in the world as an expanding colonialist styled nation, the common corrective actions for injustice are almost universally failures. Failures because they are based in the transfer from capital from producers to consumers. Taking from producers reduces capacity to produce.  This is true on personal, national and global stages. Consumers consume.
What's more, for a President to have recited the Oath of Office, and then act in a manner that puts American interests and well being at risk is treason.
Barack Obama is not half the man that Bill Clinton is because he does not love his country.  Barack Obama is not a quarter of the man GW Bush is because his actions show contempt for the military. Barack Obama is not an eighth of the man Ronald Reagan was because he has no intent of uniting the citizens whereas the later reinstalled pride and a sense of community in the nation he loved.
So here is the poem.

Barack be nimble
Barack be quick
Barack be history November 6th
I have two nieces that are headed home from NYC to Ohio for a wedding and to vote. No doubt that they are going to vote Democratic.
I am scared for our country.