Friday, June 16, 2017


For the last year or so, I have been making an effort to restrain posting things to Facebook that might offend some of my friends. Many of these people are Democratic and seriously liberal. That does not mean that I have been perfect in my abstention, but these are friends and I have no wish to offend. That said some of my family members, fraternity brothers and acquaintances have posted absurd complaints, vows and wishes regarding the President and Republican controlled Congress.
Being no fan of the President, I did vote for him because while he is a jerk, he did not cheat in debates, did not fix the primaries, he did not come up short protecting the citizens in Benghazi.
Ms. Clinton was a terrible candidate, who with huge demographic advantages managed loose by running a campaign that was built around a presumption of being dominant and appeared to avoid actually campaigning.
Bring us to where we are today, the left has seen fit to throwing around a great deal of hate filled speech, and are being supported by the preponderance of media who are fixated on the possibility of invalidating the primacy of the President. Fact after fact denies the left left of evidence they insist must exist because of all the smoke they create. This brings to mind a February article in Breitbart titled "Virgil: The Left Whips Up a Climate of Violence — the Prime Target Is Donald Trump", in which is described the term "paralepsis", a Greek word meaning to disregard. As stated in the article...
Of course, we all know what’s going on here.  Indeed, Virgil recognizes the technique employed by Village as a variant on the ancient rhetorical device known as paralepsis–that is, raising an idea while pretending not to raise it.  Having argued, vehemently and at length, that Trump is a civilization-level menace, the magazine then adds a few weasel-words about not harming him.  So Village hopes that it has itself covered: If any bad fate befalls Trump, its writers will say, as they barely conceal their smirks, “Gee, we didn’t want that to happen!” 
Two days ago a Congressman was badly injured in a shooting. This is clearly the action of a disturbed individual, who up until Wednesday morning could have been characterized simply a liberal activist. The politicians associated, for the most part have been politically correct in their "Gee, we didn't want that to happen.". With exception of a few, including Nancy Pelosi, who managed to infer that the action against the Republican Congressmen was their own fault because of who and what they represent.
To be sure, folks hated Bill Clinton and said awful things about him,much of it deserved because he is a pig, but that said, he was an effective President who presided over a good economy. Many of the same folks had problems with President Obama, posting irresponsible statements and in some cases being overtly racist. For his own part President Obama, did little to assuage the angst of the right by freezing them out of a lot of policy decisions, making clear that Republicans were to be treated with disrespect.
So we have a community that has been taught to treat Republicans with disrespect, and this evolved into dangerous behavior. Network television and radio treats the issue an another act of terrorism that should be handled by the police and makes light connection to the political background, instead focusing on an investigation of the source of smoke created within their own imagination.
Still media is scrutinized in a biased manner, today I found on the internet, in Facebook the group that calls itself "Terminate The Republicans" in which you see the equivalent statement
"We do not condone violence in this group."
Which is the equivalent to
 “Gee, we didn’t want that to happen!” 

On the same day, was a comment to a post in the same group.
There are people out there who wish bad things for the President. in the previous 8 years of the last administration, I do not remember encountering such evil wishes; though I am sure that they happened; just not so much for public consumption and encourage by the media and entertainment.
Anyway, here is where I will continue to spout off, and on Facebook will be as nice as possible, if something bothers me, I'll unfollow.

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