Monday, December 3, 2018

A Fish Story

This is a five minute video that explains an affect of globalism, in particular as a genesis for Brexit.
As principle, local government is better tuned to the needs of its constituency.
Global organizations such as the EU and to a less effective degree, the United Nations ignore the local cultures for the dominance of political expediency. These are business decisions affected by political alliances, destroying the local industries.
Within the fishing industry the EU has been treating the English fishing industry like a red headed step child, in this particular region decimating a local industry in favor a of Nordic fishing alliance.
Now that the people of England have voted FOR Brexit, the EU is threatening continue its punitive policies upon Britain, treaty member or not.
With Britain making it's clumsy moves toward the exit of the EU, coupled with an  expanding rise of concern for maintaining sovereignty, the EU is making sounds of building a military.
The EU, led primarily by Germany may be repeating a pattern here, endorsing racism, and claiming the need for military intervention to protect business.

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