Monday, March 23, 2015

Home Court Advantage Ignored presents: M E G A V O T E, March 9, 2015, for Georgia's 13th Congressional District:
Recent Congressional Votes

  • Senate: Keystone XL Pipeline - Veto
  • House: Fiscal 2015 Homeland Security Appropriations– Motion to Recede and Concur
  • House: Amtrak Reauthorization – Passage

Upcoming Congressional Bills

  • Senate: Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015

Recent Senate Votes:
Keystone XL Pipeline - Veto Vote Not Sustained (62-37, 1 Not Voting)
The Senate's vote to override President Obama's Feb. 24, 2015 veto of the bill that would immediately allow TransCanada to construct, connect, operate and maintain the pipeline and cross-border facilities known as the Keystone XL pipeline, including any revision to the pipeline route within Nebraska as required or authorized by the state failed.
Sen. Johnny Isakson voted YES
Sen. David Perdue voted YES
At some point the Democrats are going to have to answer for there obstructionist behavior. It does not make sense, and it is costing this country in terms of internal growth.  Controlling the refined products is a benefit to the country.

Recent House Votes:
Fiscal 2015 Homeland Security Appropriations– Motion to Recede and Concur Vote Passed (257-167, 9 Not Voting)
The House agreed to a motion made by Rep. Mike Simpson, R-Idaho., to recede from the House amendment and concur in the Senate amendment to the bill (HR 240) that would provide $47.8 billion in fiscal 2015 for the Homeland Security Department and related activities. The motion cleared the bill for the president.
Rep. David Scott voted YES
Fuck Congress, fuck the whole fucking lot of the scumbag mother fuckers. They lie they posture and then they bend over like the pussy whipped little chicken shits that they are.

Amtrak Reauthorization – Passage Vote Passed (316-101, 15 Not Voting)
The House passed a bill that would reauthorize Amtrak through fiscal 2019, and restructure funding according to Amtrak's major lines of business. It would authorize funds for Amtrak operating expenses in the Northeast corridor at the following levels: $439 million for fiscal 2016, $464 million for fiscal 2017, $480 million for fiscal 2018 and $498 million for fiscal 2019; and for Amtrak operating expenses within the national network at the following levels: $973 million for fiscal 2016, $974 million for fiscal 2017, $985 million for fiscal 2018 and $997 million for fiscal 2019.
Rep. David Scott voted YES

Upcoming Votes:
Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 - S.625
The bill would provide for congressional review and oversight of agreements relating to Iran’s nuclear program, and for other purposes.
Pick the worst outcome, the President will advocate it and the House of Representatives will get bitch slapped into approving it.

MegaVote is powered by the CQ-Roll Call Group
Copyright (c) 2015.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Letter to My Senator

By way of Numbers USA, sending a recommended letter to Georgia's elected Senators.
Dear Senator,
Please ensure that Loretta Lynch understands that immigration laws exist to protect a country's workers. And ask her to pledge that she will enforce immigration laws passed by Congress so that Americans don't have to compete for jobs with foreign citizens who have overstayed visitor visas or crossed our borders illegally.
The Attorney General nominee's comments on these matters before the Senate Judiciary Committee were not reassuring. 
She was asked who has more of a right to a job in this country, an illegal immigrant or U.S. citizens and legal immigrants. She refused to give priority to Americans, saying that all individuals in the United States "regardless of their status -- I would prefer that they be participating in the workplace ." 
She and a Justice Department official later indicated that illegal aliens do not have a right to U.S. jobs IF they lack a work permit. But if a President chooses to give illegal aliens work permits they apparently have rights equal to those of Americans to U.S. jobs, in nominee Lynch's view. Given ample opportunity before the committee, she declined to disagree with the ability of a President to ignore the will of Congress and give work permits to millions of illegal aliens to compete directly with struggling American workers. 
Will you demand that the next Attorney General recognize the role that immigration policy has in protecting American workers from foreign labor competition, especially in this time of declining real wages and the lowest labor participation rates in decades? Will you demand that the next Attorney General enforce immigration laws on the books to the fullest extent possible?
Why is it that wrong is right to the players in this administration.  Have said it before and reaffirm no, political liberalism in the United States is an expression of self loathing.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Senate Leader Pussification presents: MEGAVOTE, March 2, 2015, for Georgia's 13th Congressional District:

Recent Congressional Votes:

  • Senate: Fiscal 2015 Department of Homeland Security Appropriations - Passage
  • House: Fiscal 2015 Homeland Department Continuing Resolution – Passage
  • House: Education Savings Plan Expansion – Passage

Upcoming Congressional Bills

  • Senate: Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2015
  • House: Secret Science Reform Act of 2015
  • House: Long-Term Care Veterans Choice Act

Recent Senate Votes:
Fiscal 2015 Department of Homeland Security Appropriations - Passage Vote Passed (68-31, 1 Not Voting)
The Senate passed a bill that would provide $47.8 billion in fiscal 2015 for the Homeland Security Department and related activities. The bill would include $12.6 billion for Customs and Border Protection; $6 billion for Immigration and Customs Enforcement; $7.2 billion for the Transportation Security Administration, including fees; $10 billion for the Coast Guard; $1.7 billion for the Secret Service; and $10.8 billion for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, including $6.4 billion for emergency disaster relief.
Sen. Johnny Isakson voted NO
Sen. David Perdue voted NO
I would have no problem with it if a bus carrying the leaders of the House and the Senate, went off a bus into a ravine. They were placed in the leadership largely because of the animus middle America has for a Congress that ignores the will of the people.  How do react, with resentment and willful antagonism towards the citizens that they promised to support. They lied, they lied, they lied, and for what purpose to abet the illegal residency of wetbacks.
And as for my own Senators, I have little doubt that if the Chamber of Commerce needed their vote they'd have pig-piled as soon as asked.

Recent House Votes:
Fiscal 2015 Homeland Department Continuing Resolution – Passage Vote Failed (203-224, 6 Not Voting)
The House rejected a joint resolution that would make further continuing appropriations for the Homeland Security Department for fiscal 2015. The measure would extend funding for the department for three weeks, through March 19, 2015.
Rep. David Scott voted YES
Who gives a shit anyway, writing about them makes little sense. Its time to start throwing rocks.

Education Savings Plan Expansion – Passage Vote Passed (401-20, 11 Not Voting)
The House passed a bill that would permanently expand the use of "529" educational savings plans by allowing tax-free distributions for students to buy computers and software. It also would eliminate the requirement that multiple 529 accounts held by a beneficiary be treated as a single account and exempt from taxation any amounts that are refunded from colleges as long as the beneficiary re-contributes the funds back into a 529 account within 60 days.
Rep. David Scott voted YES
I think David Scott has a good future as the next Democratic Senator from Kentucky.

Upcoming Votes:
Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2015 - H.R.240
The Senate is scheduled to work on this bill that would make appropriations for the Department of Homeland Security for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2015, and for other purposes.
If you don't already know, they caved, with hardly a whimper.  About the most disgusting thing I've seen since the Democrats high fived each other after stuffing Clinton's impeachment.

Secret Science Reform Act of 2015 - H.R.1030
The bill would prohibit the Environmental Protection Agency from proposing, finalizing, or disseminating regulations or assessments based upon science that is not transparent or reproducible.
The secretary of the department has publicly stated that they are racing to institute news regulations before the President's term is up. Good for them, the Speaker will just pussy out anyway, no sense following anything like the separation of powers described in the Constitution.  The President is just writing law, illegally and getting away with it.

Long-Term Care Veterans Choice Act - H.R.294
This House bill would amend title 38, United States Code, to authorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to enter into contracts and agreements for the transfer of veterans to non-Department medical foster homes for certain veterans who are unable to live independently.
I think that Veteran's Hospital should have all of the care necessary to address the physical traumas. Then all other issues should be insured by the DoD and covered at the hospital of their choice.
Less government is the key here.

MegaVote is powered by the CQ-Roll Call Group
Copyright (c) 2015