Wednesday, April 14, 2021

CNN Sucks

 We know it, we knew it and CNN is proud of it.

Project Veritas got CNN Technical Director Charlie Chester on video bragging about it.

CNN Director ADMITS Network Engaged in ‘Propaganda’.

Hiding the truth of CNN's shaping of public perception, is deliberately dishonest.

Why do the leaders at CNN feel they have to lead their audience with deception?

Is it to sell advertisement?

Is it because they have hidden political affiliations?

I think both.

Follow the link and listen through, Chester admits that fear sells, and that climate change is the next topic.  


Disagreement with Election Results Grounds for Refusal of Bail

Apparently having been home schooled is also for the government's restriction of rights, not to mention a verbal tongue lashing. Bruno Cua was held in an Oklahoma prison for over a month, when there is no evidence of him having committed a violent act. He was released only when he contracted COVID, in prison.
If you are a BLM member, arrested for setting fire to a federal building, you get bail, and the Vice President helps bail you out. 
The second amendment, to my understanding, was written to allow the citizens the means of protecting themselves from other people and the encroachment of government on natural rights. The government sees self-defense and expression of displeasure with the government as unlawful. Federal authorities are willing to bring the weight of bureaucracy to bear against the weak singular citizens to enforce their corrupt notion of right and wrong. 
Berating, and using as a reason for imprisonment, the defendant's home schooling, proves that these Federal employees do not give a damn about people. That was wrong.

Monday, April 12, 2021

RINOs Whine

 Donors can spend their money on whomever they choose. I will give no money to the RNC and will direct donate to the candidates of my choice. Not a week passes that I do not receive a phone call, letter or both asking me to write a check. I make a point of using the return postage paid envelope to return the mail back with explicit comments. Sending money to the RNC is not unlike paying NEA union dues, it does not matter what you as the donor want, the organizations are only interested in using your money toward their ends.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Science Is The Belief In The Ignorance Of The Experts

For the past decade we have been hearing statements like "the science is over".
The statement, free of emotion, speaking in terms of science, is exactly wrong.
Science is never over.

Today, by way of Prager U, I viewed a video of Physicist Brian Keating, who shared the statement of 
Science Is The Belief In The Ignorance Of The Experts

When you hear the term "consensus science", hide your wallet.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Think Little

Think Little is brief book, a collection of essays if you will, in which Wendell Berry describes the country paradise of his Kentucky homeland.

Published in 1969, the collection uniformly professes a love for the country and a disdain for progress.

While I disagree with most of the conclusions, conclusions based a willful ignorance of reality, the writing is beautiful, the thoughts deep and haunting.

The writing reminds me of the Robert Roark books I read long ago, filled with a love for countryside land and the men who lived carefully within it.

I have a neighbor who was a student of this author at the University of Kentucky.

Monday, April 5, 2021

Fighting for Free Speech

 I loved the National Lampoon magazine, and was so upset when it winnowed away. The monthly included indelible cartoons, articles and graphics. P.J. O'Rourke was an editor for that magazine

P.J. O'Rourke has written books that I have also enjoyed.

Until now I had never connected to two, if not for this linked Just the News clip that describes a legal fight for for free speech against modern media censors.