Keep your ear to the ground and you will hear some people suggesting that Eric Holder should run for President against Donald Trump. The Democrats are strong as a group and any candidate they rally behind will make a strong showing.
For me, Eric Holder appears to be the perfect candidate for a re-election. During his tenure at Justice, the government:
- Spied on political adversaries.
Committed perjury during FISA warrant applications
Ignored congressionally approved laws with regards to immigration
Ignored the civil rights of voters intimidated by Black Panthers at Philadelphia polls.
Obstructed justice with regard investigation of
Obstructed justice with regard to investigation of Hillary Clinton's improper handling of classified documents.
So, Mr. Holder, having a special investigator completely off task in pursuit of a sitting President is acceptable behavior, but investigation of leads into the Department of Justice is some sort of travesty? Here in tweets you are suggesting that bureaucrats in your former fiefdom defy investigations that might or might not happen. This sir is an example of your encouragement to defy lawful government actions. People who encourage bureaucrats to resist the will of the people, and their elected representatives, do not deserve a seat at the big desk.