Thursday, May 31, 2018

Restore Freedom of Speech

More on the recent jailing of Tommy Robinson.

VIDEO - Geert Wilders: 'Restore freedom of speech':

Geert Wilders, Dutch MP:
'I am here on behalf of millions. Freedom of speech is being violated all over Europe and also in Britain. Restore freedom of speech.'
The news in the United States addressing this situation is found mostly in conservative based media.  The absence of this topic in our "mainstream" sources is increasing my curiosity.

Prior post link.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Presidential Rumblings

Keep your ear to the ground and you will hear some people suggesting that Eric Holder should run for President against Donald Trump. The Democrats are strong as a group and any candidate they rally behind will make a strong showing.
For me, Eric Holder appears to be the perfect candidate for a re-election. During his tenure at Justice, the government:
  1. Spied on political adversaries.
  2. Committed perjury during FISA warrant applications
  3. Ignored congressionally approved laws with regards to immigration
  4. Ignored the civil rights of voters intimidated by Black Panthers at Philadelphia polls.
  5. Obstructed justice with regard investigation of Benghazi.
  6. Obstructed justice with regard to investigation of Hillary Clinton's improper handling of classified documents.

So, Mr. Holder, having a special investigator completely off task in pursuit of a sitting President is acceptable behavior, but investigation of leads into the Department of Justice is some sort of travesty? Here in tweets you are suggesting that bureaucrats in your former fiefdom defy investigations that might or might not happen. This sir is an example of your encouragement to defy lawful government actions. People who encourage bureaucrats to resist the will of the people, and their elected representatives, do not deserve a seat at the big desk.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

In the European Appeasement Olympics, Who Wins?

In the European Appeasement Olympics, Who Wins?: The difference [between what Tommy Robinson did and any reporter] is that the BBC and other mainstream media are determined to give as little coverage as possible to the mass Muslim rape of infidel girls. These same cops arrested Tommy Robinson on Friday.

England has been the example of how the natural rights of man should be practiced.
Now it glorifies the example of Chamberlain.
When met with a terrible foe, embrace it, say it’s ok and everything will be ok.
It won’t, denying the man's free speech is wrong and there is now way that you can dress that pig up.
Today’s win for the progressives is a loss for the rights of man.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018


Two of the last three weeks I've volunteered at a Habitat for Humanity build.
Framing work is fun for me, as that is what I did to earn through college.
Now, nearly 40 years later, the enjoyment is still there, but associated with an unending muscle ache.
Still love it and am honored with being asked to be a crew leader.
Wish I had the free time for it.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Media Encourages Hamas Violence

AD, for me, is forever one of the men that earned an acquittal for OJ Simpson. For that there is no forgiveness. His editorial offerings, from the Hebrew perspective, are, in my opinion,are spot on.
Why Does the Media Keep Encouraging Hamas Violence?: If this were the first time that Hamas deliberately provoked Israel into self-defense actions that resulted in the unintended deaths of Gaza civilians, the media could be excused for playing into the hands of Hamas. The most recent Hamas provocations --

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

I Spent a Shitpot Load of Money But I Really Want to Balance the Budget

Earlier today we received a response letter from emailed request related to Numbers USA issues.
Thank you for contacting me regarding funding the federal government for Fiscal Year 2018. I appreciate your thoughts and I am grateful for the opportunity to respond. 
On March 23, 2018, the Senate passed H.R.1625, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, by a bipartisan vote of 65-32. The President signed the bill into law the next day. I supported the legislation because it contains a number of key provisions that are critically important to the United States and Georgia. This agreement ends crippling cuts to our national defense by delivering the largest increase in defense funding in 15 years. This includes $405 million in specific funding directly for the recapitalization of the aging E-8 Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System platform, known as JSTARS and based at Robins Air Force Base in Warner Robins, Ga.
Georgia families will benefit from additional funding for community health centers, school safety, training for new pediatricians and an improved federal response to the opioid crisis. Georgia farmers will see relief from burdensome regulations that were never intended to affect their operations. This bill also provides new resources for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, including critical funding for its biosecurity lab. Further, it includes funding to help maintain and improve our nation’s infrastructure and protects Georgia’s water interests. It also includes a measure that will help keep guns out of the hands of criminals while protecting the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans.
Additionally, the agreement includes $81.5 billion for the Department of Veterans Affairs, including an additional $2 billion for infrastructure programs to repair and enhance VA medical facilities and State Veterans Home, and a $337 million increase over the president’s original budget request for construction of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers navigation projects, such as the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project off the coast of Georgia. 
While I believe this legislation was needed to fund important programs and keep the government open, the cycle of short-term spending bills that brought us to this point this spending bill is no way to run a country. We must reform our broken appropriations process and eliminate wasteful spending. To address our broken system, I have sponsored the Biennial Budgeting and Appropriations Act ever since I joined the Senate in 2005. Biennial budgeting would require Congress to reform the annual appropriations process with a two-year system in which we appropriate dollars in the first year and then conduct oversight on federally funded programs during the second year. I have also cosponsored a constitutional amendment that would require Congress to pass a balanced budget. As members of Congress, we are entrusted with the responsibility of spending taxpayer dollars wisely. I will continue working with my colleagues to improve our budget and appropriations process.
Thank you again for contacting me. If I can be of any future assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me again.
Johnny Isakson
United States Senator
For the most part this letter is boilerplate bullshit that did not speak in any manner to my insistence that budget include funding for the border wall. Money for this, money for that but as to your concern, Mr. Voter (aka me), fuck you. The highlighted line caught my eye as an especially rich dose of dishonesty, Johnny Isakson has his name on a proposal to balance the budget, all the while not mentioning once any attempt to control costs or practice any form of self-denial.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Margot Kidder

Passed away this week.

An actress whose most prominent roll was as Lois Lane, sweetheart to Christopher Reeve's Clark Kent. A one-time girlfriend of Hugh Hefner and all that goes with that. To me Margot Kidder was a minor actor who as a model had the kind profile that photographed inconsistently, at times beautifully. With her career behind her Margot Kidder had a tough time with mental illness and drug abuse. Rest in peace.

Congress Reports

I've noticed that the site has stopped sending me email.
Signed back up today, we'll where it goes.
Causes me to wonder if this quiet deselection is intentional.
Certainly this site in not significant in any way.
That said nobody enjoys being criticized.

So You Got Peeps?

I keep forgetting my favorite Easter cartoon, this will be a close second for next year.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

That's A Shame

An Imam in Afghanistan accidentally killed himself while planting a landmine in Ferozkoh. 

Mualvi Abdul Qader, who had been [sic] leading prayers at a mosque for three years, was killed in the blast.
Original source being Pajhwok Afghan News.
Per Wikipedia, the name Abdul Qader, which is a variation of Abdul Quader, can be interpreted to mean "servant of the powerful". I suppose on this earth he was just a misguided murderer and now he is earning the name.
Karma is bitch.

A Nobel for Trump!

I hope not, at least not yet. The Nobel Peace Price given to President Barack Obama was premature and eventually proven to be unearned. At this point the progress made by the Trump administration with North Korea is promising, but only that. If the State Department has much to do with the process, the United States will revert to negotiating by making concessions as an opening offer. Also, if the North Koreans are true to their personality, any agreement made is for the purpose of obtaining those concessions without intent of fulfilling reciprocal concessions. The North Koreans are proven liars and the last three presidents have come away from agreements looking like fools for having been cheated out of concessions.

A Nobel for Trump!
President Trump's peace through strength policies are working and bringing peace to the Korean peninsula. We can think of no one more deserving of the Committee's recognition in 2019 than President Trump for his tireless work to bring peace to our world.
This is premature, if, after Trump is retired from office after his second term, consideration for the prize should follow proof of an effective agreement.
Let us hope that John Bolton can keep President Trump's council and obtain real concessions from North Korea.