Tuesday, September 17, 2024

2nd Time Not The Charm

Thankfully, 45 was unscathed.

I cannot help but to recognize the parallels between the behavior of an abusive husband and cabal of ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC and CNN.

Like the abusive husband, the media blames the victim for inciting the attack.

Generally, with histrionics and exaggerations.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Muslim Rape Gangs and Willful Blindness

Coming soon to an American city near you, my guess would be New York of Minneapolis.
Watch the video, read the comments.
Robert Spencer Video: Muslim Rape Gangs and Willful Blindness

This will not stop until politicians are willing to be unpopular.

ROP is an anacronym for "Religion of Peace". 

Friday, August 16, 2024

Wrong Flag, Wrong Place

We are seeing more and more examples of government employee failing to recognize their own bigotry. 
France: Jewish NYC resident violently arrested after taking selfie with Israeli flag outside Olympic stadium

This case and many others when arrayed and compared, reveal favor to progressive agendas. In Minnesota, the governor declares a curfew and enforces that with aggressive police tactics, while blocks away police are ordered to stand down while rioters burn buildings. In Paris, the Olympic opening show is an intentional insult to Christians, while a man, a Jewish man, takes a picture of himself with an Israeli flag is arrested for inciting a riot.

In nearly every western, 1st world country, the governments are ignoring the rights of citizens, stripping the vestiges of sovereignty, and removing controls at borders.  It seems these governments are aligned with each other more than they are with their citizens, their avowed responsibility.  They act in a manner that suggests, a state of anarch is desired that would allow them to unify under a single banner. 


Sunday, June 2, 2024

New Word of the Day




exemption from error : infallibility

the question of biblical inerrancy

This is a new word that I learned earlier today while studying the recent exodus from the United Methodist Church. The United Methodist Church at its recent General Conference made changes in their constitution.  The UMC now recognizes gay marriage and the ordination of LGBTQ.  Adultery and extramarital sex are no longer chargeable offenses for pastors. Foreshadowing these changes was the already mentioned conservative exodus to, in many cases the Global Methodist Church. Newcomers to the nascent GMC recognize the issues that divided the UMC are only superficially about sexuality and gender. The divide is fundamentally about the authority of the Bible. 

The term inerrancy is used with respect to the Bible, judging it to be infallible. 

A while back I read Rules for Radicals, written by Saul Alinsky. In that he described how he would use trained activists to indoctrinate community leaders, college professors and theologists to imbed seeds of contrarian concepts with intent if creating disharmony in communities. 

It's been working, disharmony is here.  

Saturday, June 1, 2024

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

In this case the punishment was death by lynching.

OpIndia reports:

How good deed of Christian man Nazir Masih led to his lynching by Islamists over ‘blasphemy’

In the Mujahid Colony in Sargodha city in Punjab, there had been, storm.  Nazir Masih was cleaning the aftermath in the street, sweeping up refuse. He then burned the pile of trash. Apparently, there were pages of the Quron in a box within the pile.   A Muslim neighbor accused the Christian of deliberately burning the religious text, in his mind blasphemy. A riot developed and a man was murdered. 

The victim's nephew quoted.

"My uncle was only trying to do a good deed by cleaning the street, but see what it did to him."

“I’ve been observing blasphemy cases since the 1980s, and in ninety per cent of the cases, personal jealousy is the driving force behind rumors of blasphemy against members of minority communities,”.

“Sometimes, something as simple as a Christian wearing a nice suit can be enough to incite them to plot our downfall,” he concluded. 

As we suffer the behavior of the political apparatchiks in the United States, comparisons Muslim fanaticism, while not as extreme are congruent.  I would judge the liberal Democratic actions of the last eight years to be a type of religious zeal.  Having formed an ascension with bearing like religious crusade allows the believers to justify any an action taken.  Essentially the ends justify the means.

Back on point, an old man cleaned the street about his home, and died for it.  Who thinks that the people that murdered this man have any remorse?  Not me.

53 Million

Donations to the Trump campaign exceeded $53,000,000.00 in the 24 hours following the New York verdict. 

An average of $2.2m per hour. 

I had already donated twice before the verdict, now I am going to donate an amount double the sum already given.

Possibly because of my long-understood insecurity, I've not been one to proselytize, but now will make an effort to share my rejection of the bag of oatmeal and endorsement of the 45th President.

Doubt that anyone will listen, but here is the start.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Whipping Up the Collegiate Children

Osama Abuirshaid the executive director of American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) gives and impassioned speech at to a George Washington University encampment predicting that they will take back America.

No so fast Scooter.

Jihad Watch reports, Take Back America, watch the video.

How can you take back what you never had?

The speech is poorly constructed, focusing on trigger words in a nonsense producing manner.

Basically, he says a bunch of scrap that isn't going to happen in our lifetime and, as one would expect, completely skips over the complicity of the Palestinian people in their election and support of Hamas.

As usual, this position predicts domination, bringing an end to imperialists and Zionists, ignoring the simple conclusion that such an achievement would require genocide.

No, this is just some asshole trying to embolden children that don't have the good sense to recognize bullshit for what it is.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Is this an Oedipal or Religion Thing

Either way, pathological, but I think a lot of both.

A 31-year-old sone killed is mother for converting from Islam to Christianity.  In a Jihad Watch post titled "Muslim puts pesticide in his mother’s food, killing her, because she left Islam and became a Christian". Robert Spencer briefly recounts statements describing a brutal way to punish your mother.

“At 7 p.m. he came with food, which he gave to us, and he left,” the relative said. “I was praying and fasting, so I did not eat the food. Shortly after eating the food, Sulaina started vomiting, and then followed diarrhea. I tried what I could, but things were worsening, I called a nearby clinic officer who came with medication. He tried to put her on drip, but all was in vain.”

It sounds as if the mother, Sulaina Nabiryehad achieved peace in her heart.

“She had peace and joy and was encouraged by the sermons from the pastor,”

The son, a murderer, has been studying to become an imam. Wikipedia describes Imams as religious leaders and depending on the sect, leaders of prayer. 

I had a nasty comment to make about Islamic religious leadership, but withdrew from sharing, this is barbaric behavior.


Thursday, February 15, 2024


UN incompetence or corruption, what's the difference.

UNRWA supplied electricity to Hamas tunnel under UN Gaza headquarters

Certainly not all in the UN hierarchy knew of connection, but some sure as heck did.  This is consistent with the generally anti-Israeli position of the United Nations.

Biden & Amazon Suppressed Book Sales

My guess is that not much pressure was necessary, it is, after all, the end of the pool that Bezos swims in. 

Biden Regime Pressured Amazon to Suppress Books It Didn’t Like

Copied direct from the article:

Signal reports that the Biden team saw no apparent difference between targeting books on Amazon and any other forms of social media censorship that it was pushing.   

Andrew Slavitt, then a senior adviser on Biden’s COVID-19 response team, had previously asked, “Who can we talk to about the high levels of propaganda and misinformation and disinformation [on] Amazon?”

And by “talk to”, they meant get rid of.

The resulting compromise instead settled for shadow banning the books.

In this discussion, a staffer noted that “we did enable Do Not Promote for anti-vax books whose primary purpose is to persuade readers vaccines are unsafe or ineffective on 3/9, and will review additional handling options for these books with you, [redacted], and [redacted] on 3/19.” 

That March 9 decision to change Amazon’s algorithm to avoid promoting “anti-vax books” appears to have happened after the meeting with White House staff.

Who were the people names that were redacted?  

Another example of the left secretly doing what they accuse the right of being guilty of.  In Florida, DeSantis is pilloried for keeping adult content out of elementary schools, accused of being a book burner, all the while no such restrictions are applied to the adult marketplace. Conversely the Biden administration sneaks surreptitiously affecting the book market to diminish the sales of countering opinions. 

Both, in a way are restricting speech.  One legally and in keeping with indecency decisions, the other dishonest as hell.