Monday, August 28, 2006

Judge Taylor Undermines Safety

Judge Anna Diggs Taylor is a judge United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan. She was appointed by President Carter in late 1979, a proverbial "Midnight Appointment" and the first black woman judge appointed to the district.Last week this judge ruled against the NSA's terrorist-surveillance program. This was a decision predicated on right to privacy within intercontinental communications. This extension of rights to foreign nationals is consistent with other liberal causes current polital battleground.
Such as; arguing for the right of Guantomino prisoners to have trials in US courts as criminals, with evidencery disclosure.
Such as; arguing for the right of illegal alliens to vote, as in Los Angeles.The protection of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights was meant for citizens of the United States of America. The goverment's main purpose is the protection of its citizens.
To extend these protections to foreigners who may include enemies of state is illogical and reckless. This decision is consistent with the term "Internationalism".
Back to Ms. Taylor, who because she has not honored her oath of office, does not deserve the title Judge. It seems that Ms. Taylor is the secretary of, and trustee for, the Community Foundation for Southeastern Michigan (CFSEM). This is a foundation that makes direct donations to the ACLU, all such bequests require the approval of the trustees. In the past two years CFSEM has made a direct grant of $45,000.00 to the ACLU of Michigan.The plaintiff in this case was the ACLU of Michigan. This is a conflict of interest, a proper judge would have recused herself. Of course, the New York Times, that bastion of political correctness and aloof snobery, has called the decision "a careful, thoroughly grounded opinion." What they should have said was "a carefully lain ambush upon those trying to protect our country."

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