The story is set in a affluent suburban town, where the separate lives of 30 somethings both diverge and converge. Kate's husband is addicted to Internet porn, she finds out and is, not surprisingly, pissed off. Jennifer's husband is a stay at home dad who can't seem to pass the bar exam. Having children of similar age and a mutual unhappiness brings them together in an affair. By the end of the movie the affair is over. For this work, Kate Winslet was nominated for an Oscar.
The most interesting plot line in this movie is that of the neighborhood child molester. Played by Jackie Earle Haley, this person recognizes that he is overwhelmed his deviant sexual urges. Following the death of his mother, grief and fear cause him castrate himself. He wants to be a good boy. This actor looked very familiar, I got it before the movie was over, in Breaking Away this was the teenager that got his girlfriend pregnant and decided to get married, in the original Bad News Bears, he played the hoodlum smoked cigarettes and rode a motorcycle.
This was a movie that I enjoyed but do not recommend. At many times it reminded me of Robert Altman's Short Cuts. There are some sexually explicit scenes, not with Ms. Connelly.
Score 26 of 50
- Character Development 6 out of 10
- Acting 5 out of 10
- Photography, cinimatography 4 out of 10
- Writing, script 4 out of 10
- Concept 7 out of 10
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