Friday, September 18, 2009

Wolfy the Retard

Last night I had a suspicion confirmed, Wolf Blitzer is retarded. The game show Jeopardy was having a celebrity charitable edition. By the time the final question came arrived, Wolfy was nearly $5000 in the hole. Being a charitable event, his slate was wiped clean and he was given $1000 to continue participation. For the Wolf-Miester, it must have been like working at CNN, get it wrong and you still get a prize.


  1. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Think what you want but calling him a retard is just offensive. Ever stop to think about how people with special needs feel? Bet not.

  2. You are right. You are also assigning your feelings to the group you wish to protect. Would you have been less offended if I used a different word? A challenged person such as Wolf Blitzer probably does not have the interest or ability to find such a blog post. So are you offended on behalf of chellenged persons? They are not.

  3. I have always wanted to be a better speller.


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