Friday, June 22, 2012

Fear and Loathing in White America

Progressive education and media in America teaches people to embrace self loathing.  Citizens are taught that all things bad are the fault of those with priviledge.
Priviledge in the eyes of progressives includes cash in the accounts, land ownership, stock ownership, majority of populace and skin color.
What this is, is teaching prejudice cloaked in the soft words of misguided care.
If minorites feel threatened by the thoughts (not actions mind you) of the majority, perhaps they should make more of an effort to match their behaviour with acceptable norms. 
I guide my life by treating people the way I want to be treated.
I worked my ass off to get an education I could afford.
I work my ass off to have the things I want for myself , coworkers and family.
Seeing this type of diplay assures me there is a large group of people out there that have no chance at competing for the things I desire.
If you want to feel guilty for how you were born, something you cannot control, I suggest you would be more accurate if you felt guilty about being a sniffling fool.

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