Monday, May 20, 2013


About two weeks ago I sent facsimiles to my Congressmen imploring them to resist knee jerk legislation that is focused on limiting 2nd Amendment freedom.  This is the response that was received from our Democratic Representative David Scott
Dear Mr. Man:  (not really)
Thank you for contacting me regarding the recent tragic shootings in our country. I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue.  
Let me emphasize, like you, I am deeply troubled and saddened with the recent violent shootings that have occurred from Aurora, Colorado to Sandy Hook, Connecticut and anywhere else in our nation . Such senseless tragedies are of grave concern to me and I strongly feel that sound investigations must occur so that our legal system can act appropriately. Many citizens and lawmakers have raised deep concern regarding gun control and I would like to address my views and recent developments in the gun control debate. 
A careful balance between Second Amendment rights and safety in gun ownership is necessary in crafting any policy toward gun control, and I am sensitive to both sides of the issue. In the past, I have worked toward making guns safer by requiring that they include safety locks. During my many years in the Georgia General Assembly, I helped create legislation that holds adults responsible for the safekeeping of guns around children. Moreover, I continue to support efforts to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. We must work to ensure that gangs and malicious groups or disturbed individuals are not allowed access to guns, and with them, the means to conduct violent acts within our communities. However, I also understand the right of Americans to protect themselves, and I have worked on bills that ensure this right will continue to be safe-guarded. As the 113th Congress continues with its legislative agenda, I will be sure to keep your views in mind.  
Again, I thank you for sharing your views with me. I hope you will continue to give me the benefit of your opinion in the future. In addition, I encourage you to visit my web site at, where you can view the latest news and obtain information on issues and legislation that is important to you. You can also sign up for my electronic newsletter, and receive periodic updates on my activities as your representative in Washington. Thank you again for contacting me, and I look forward to continuing to serve you. 
David Scott 
Member of Congress
A nice enough response, that suggests that a balance between 2nd Amendments rights and government restrictions is needed. To this congressman, balance means there will have to be more restrictions on gun ownership rights. Balance if properly applied would mean that the government would have to somehow restrict itself in a manner equal to way it intends to restrict law abiding gun owners.  We all know there there is no intent to do that.  Balance is a farce, just look at past immigration promises, the government never delivers to completion the promises they make in order to get the deal they want.  They are liars.

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