Wednesday, September 24, 2014

GOP Voters Think Republicans in Congress Out of Touch

And yet we continue to hear things out of the mouths of Republican Congressional leaders like Mitch McConnell about how they are going to drive the Tea Party element out of the picture.  Drive the same populist movement that has placed them at the threshold of control, to obscurity! Was there ever a better reason to leave these entrenched farts in the dust. They won't take a serious stand on illegal aliens, they won't take a principled stand on the budget and there isn't a leader in the bunch.

GOP Voters Think Republicans in Congress Out of Touch

Republican voters feel disenfranchised, they hate the Democrats for expanding government without reason beyond wanting to build a power base and dislike the Republicans for being Democrats-lite. After short tenures all Federal politicians become slaves to the bureaucracy Democrats are just more honest about it.

Republicans will probably continue to get our votes in the short run because the Democrats are completely in left field.  The choices are the completely left and left of center.  The Libertarians have got no shot with the majority of Republicans because their foreign policy aligns with the Democrats, non-nonsensical ostrich head in the sand stuff.

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