Monday, October 17, 2016

Hillary's Skills

Have been keeping pretty quiet on the election and what side I support.
My brother shares about 20 links a day on Facebook, trying to inform people who take the Democrats statements at face value.
Citizens are entitled to a defense and what she did during the trial of this rapist was probably legal. Following a case such as this, the attitude should be that she did not like defending the man, but she did her best within the law. The attitude she did project afterword is what is disturbing. The nervous laugh, the same sick sounding cackle we heard during the Congressional hearings, shows the person at the core. She nervous, uncaring, cold, and to her enemies and the weak, she is mean spirited.
No one should doubt that at minimum Hillary Clinton is most interested in her position in in the world, and her care for other women is feigned, reaching only as far as the voting machine.
This is an example of treatment of women that should be vilified in all media.

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