Thursday, October 26, 2017

What Is the Alt-Right?

Of the many Democrats I know, most would take exception to an essay that concludes the Alt-Right is more like the left than it is the conservative right. The reasoning here is sound. As a conservative it is plain for me to see that the media enjoys hanging alt-rights activities around the neck of Republicans.

What Is the Alt-Right?: What is the alt-right? What is its worldview? How big is it? Michael Knowles, bestselling author and host of The Michael Knowles Show, took a deep dive into alt-right culture. Here's what he learned.

If the press was interested in accuracy, that would would have learned the the alt-right participants are basically racist socialists. The people in alt-right organizations hate the Democrats because their most important value is diversity, other than that all of the central government policy is aligned. Looking at the last century, who does that remind you of?

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