Friday, September 23, 2011


Some times at work I like to use words that challenge the reader's understanding.
Today that word was "anathema" used appropriately to describe a principle.
Not being so smart as the words I use, applied the ritualistic habit of looking in my dog eared Webster's New Work Dictionary, found the mark where I had looked up the word before.
The definitions are
1) a person or thing accursed or damned
2) anything greatly detested
3) a formal curse, as in excommunicating a person
4) any strong curse
For work the application was the first description, but while writing began to think of how two and three fitting for our POTUS.
Clinton, discounting the jism on the dress thing, and after the health care debacle was an effective president. A pig of a man who had the good sense to leave Greenspan in place and not fuck with the economy too much.
Bush following, like most Republicans, left the economy to itself, did attempt to correct the housing bubble issue but was resounding rejected by Congressional Democrats. When you add the Medicare prescription program he installed. I have the sense that W was a better Democrat than Clinton, but not his daddy.
Now we have the current President, a man who has the audacity to call a joint Congressional session for a speech that, like his Health Care Bill lacked details, while challenging republicans to accept this (his) necessary jobs bill. A week later the details are released and they include significant tax increases that he knows and anathema (description 1) to Republicans. What is obvious is that he has decided to set up is presidential campaign as a run against House Republicans, to reenact Harry Truman's whistle stop tour of the late forties. I suggest that the President is himself an ANATHEMA for having the gall to call a joint session to offer a purely political speech of no serious value. There is more an more evidence that Democrats are beginning to see the man in the light of decryption number three, a formal curse, as in excommunicating a person.

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