Tuesday, April 3, 2012

MEGAVOTE: April 2, 2012

Comments in italic blue.....

Congress.org (congress.org) presents: M E G A V O T E,  April 2, 2012

In this MegaVote for Georgia's 13th Congressional District:

Recent Congressional Votes -
* Senate: 21st Century Postal Service Act of 2011
* Senate: Repeal Big Oil Tax Subsidies Act
* House: Federal Communications Commission Process Reform Act of 2011
* House: Surface Transportation Extension Act
* House: Democratic Alternative Budget
* House: Fiscal 2013 House Budget Resolution

Editor's Note: 
Congress is in recess this week and next. The Senate and House both return on April 16.
Good, that means there will be less time to find ways to waste money.

Recent Senate Votes:

21st Century Postal Service Act of 2011
Vote Rejected (51-46, 3 Not Voting)
This postal overhaul bill did not receive the necessary 60 votes to proceed to debate. The bill would allow the Postal Service to recoup around $11 billion in over payments to a retirement account and use that money to provide financial incentives to about 100,000 employees to retire, as well as delay the plan to end Saturday delivery for two years.
Sen. Saxby Chambliss voted NO
Sen. Johnny Isakson voted NO
Senate Democrats voting to extend the status quo for an inefficient system.  An inefficient system that has unionized employees.  Big surprise, bunch of freaking boot lickers.  Good vote men.

Repeal Big Oil Tax Subsidies Act
Vote Rejected (51-47, 2 Not Voting)
This legislation would repeal some tax breaks for large oil and gas companies and use the revenue generated by these tax repeals to pay for an extension of renewable-energy tax credits and incentives. The bill did not receive the necessary 60 votes to end debate and is unlikely to be considered again.
Sen. Saxby Chambliss voted NO
Sen. Johnny Isakson voted NO
Democrats chasing the new bogeyman with money.  Guys, thanks for voting against this.

Recent House Votes:

Federal Communications Commission Process Reform Act of 2011
Vote Passed (247-174, 10 Not Voting)
The House passed this bill that would overhaul Federal Communications Commission regulatory procedures and curb the agencys ability to set conditions on transactions related to corporate mergers and acquisitions. The bills future is uncertain.
Rep. David Scott voted NO
Scott's vote foretells the Senate's action, the Dems don't want the FCC taken down a notch because they want them strong enough to take down some Conservative talk hosts.  That if the circumstances align themselves in favor of.  No, Democrats love bureaucratic regulation. 

Surface Transportation Extension Act
Vote Passed (266-158, 7 Not Voting)
On Thursday the House passed this bill to extend authorization for surface transportation programs through June 30. The Senate cleared the bill by voice vote later the same day, sending the bill to the president. President Obama signed it the next day. This extension gives the House and Senate more time to negotiate a long-term transportation bill.
Rep. David Scott voted YES
Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn every now an then.
Democratic Alternative Budget
Vote Failed (163-262, 6 Not Voting)
The Democrats offered a substitute budget amendment that would provide $1.05 trillion in discretionary spending for fiscal 2013, including $546 billion for defense spending. The amendment includes a permanent extension of the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts for the middle class, but would end nearly $1 trillion in tax cuts for millionaires and close a variety of corporate tax loopholes. The amendment was rejected.
Rep. David Scott voted YES
Democratic version of the next item, simply an effort to show that they are in the business of passing a budget.  Did you see that inclusion of making the Bush tax cuts permanent?  They knew it had no chance at being passed so they threw it in there to appear open minded.

Fiscal 2013 House Budget Resolution
Vote Passed (228-191, 12 Not Voting)
The House passed this budget resolution providing for $1.03 trillion in discretionary spending. That amount is $19 billion less than the discretionary target agreed to as part of last summers deal to raise the debt ceiling. The resolution calls for spending cuts through restructuring Medicare, converting Medicaid and the food stamp program into block grants to states, and repealing the 2010 health care law. It also calls for an overhaul of the tax code. The Senate is likely to reject the House budget resolution.
Rep. David Scott voted NO
You can use the Scott vote as a barometer for Senate action, he votes NO and the Senate obstructs.  The Dems are going to pick on Ryan and the Republicans on the budget from here through the election, all the while not passing a single budget since BO took office.
MegaVote is powered by the CQ-Roll Call Group Copyright (c) 2012.
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