Sunday, January 27, 2013

Colder Than Expected

I did ride the motorcycle to Alabama and back today.
The weather report said the temperatures were to be in the fifties, my chilled testicles say otherwise.

Friday, January 25, 2013


The woman who would be king, if it weren't for the king we already have, was basically allowed off the hook for explaining Benghazi, by acting insulted. It worked for her husband, why shouldn't it work now.
Let people begging for help die, without credible effort applied.
What difference does it make.
The media doesn't really give a shit, and the politicians don't want to irritate the king, it will disappear.

Michael Ramirez

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Congress at Work (sic)

Comments in blue italic.... presents: M E G A V O T E January 22, 2013

In this MegaVote for Georgia's 13th Congressional District:

Recent Congressional Votes -

  • House: Sandy Recovery Supplemental  Substitute Amendment
  • House: Sandy Recovery Supplemental  Long-term Recovery Aid
  • House: Sandy Recovery Supplemental  Final Passage
  • House: Disaster Aid Reform 

Upcoming Congressional Bills -

  • Senate: Disaster Relief Appropriations Act, 2013
  • House: To ensure the complete and timely payment of the obligations of the United States Government until May 19, 2013, and for other purposes

Recent House Votes:

Sandy Recovery Supplemental  Substitute Amendment
Vote Agreed to (327-91, 14 Not Voting)
After agreeing unanimously to the FEMA reforms, the House dove into the much thornier issue of providing actual money for Sandy victims. Conservatives on the GOP side have been arguing for months that any new spending for disaster aid should be offset by cuts elsewhere in the budget. This fact at least partly explains Speaker John Boehner's decision to cancel anticipated action before the end of the 112th Congress. The several weeks delay allowed Appropriations Chairman Harold Rogers of Kentucky and fellow appropriator Rodney Frelinghuysen of Sandy-affected New Jersey to come up with legislative language and procedure that could win enough support for passage. Their proposal divided the aid into two tranches, one covering only the most immediate needs, to be offered as a substitute amendment by Rogers, and the second to take care of longer-term needs for coastal New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. Conservative Republican Mick Mulvaney of South Carolina was allowed to offer an amendment to the Rogers language that would have offset its costs  about $17 billion  with a 1.6 percent cut across the rest of the federal budget. Mulvaney's amendment was rejected  though over two thirds of Republicans voting supported it  and Rogers's $17 billion language then passed with strong bipartisan support.
Rep. David Scott voted YES
Typical Boehner ineffectiveness to instill a financial relevance to spending decisions. A suggestion is made to spend money on a worthwhile situation, people recognize that money doesn't grow on trees and suggest that acts towards balancing by cutting expenditures elsewhere is rebuffed. They all wanted to be on the team that voted for the  caring thing but were also comfortable with ignoring the cost thing.  I say two things will come out of Storm Sandy situation.

  1. Governor Christie will pay a political price by the way denied political support in his next election.
  2. The Republicans stand an excellent chance of loosing the House if they don't start acting like adults and standing up to the cadre of spend hopers.

Sandy Recovery Supplemental  Long-term Recovery Aid
Vote Agreed to (228-192, 12 Not Voting)
The Frelinghuysen amendment in support of long-term recovery efforts proved much more controversial and more difficult to pass. It provided an additional $33 billion on top of the $17 billion in the Rogers amendment. In addition to the question of spending offsets, many Republicans questioned whether the type of mitigation efforts supported by the Frelinghuysen language belonged in a disaster aid bill. That type of spending, they argue, ought to be debated as part of the regular budgetary and appropriations process. Several amendments to Frelinghuysen were adopted, among them a rescission of funding for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Roll Call 16) and a restriction on the use of funds in the bill to acquire new federal land (Roll Call 21). Ultimately the Frelinghuysen language was adopted, but with the support of only 38 Republicans, mostly those from the affected states and other regions that have relied on federal support for disaster recovery in the past, such as the Gulf Coast.
Rep. David Scott voted YES
Boehner is loosing his grip. I do understand that in a situation like this the government has to act and not be delayed some politician searching for something that can be delayed or removed from expenditures.  If the government took budgets seriously, like businesses, expenditures would be classified as critical and elective.  When something has to give, electives need to fall off.  Problem is that most electives are in the form of pork which no politicians wants to give up.  So you have it in the end, they vote to spend the money and then pretend like more income in the future will make the debt disappear. It's all crap. 

Sandy Recovery Supplemental  Final Passage
Vote Passed (241-180, 11 Not Voting)
The final package voted on the by House consisted of the Rogers and Frelinghuysen amendments and the disaster aid reforms. Ultimately the bill provides around $50.5 billion to the areas affected by the storm. Almost all of that total is designated emergency spending, meaning it falls outside of budgetary caps established for this fiscal year by the 2011 debt ceiling agreement. The final bill did pick up a few more Republican votes, but it would not have come close to passage without near-unanimous Democratic support. The issue of whether to offset disaster aid appears certain to resurface again. Rep. Mulvaney, while lamenting defeat of his amendment, said he was nonetheless "encouraged" to receive 162 votes.
Rep. David Scott voted YES
The folks needed the help, they got it. The representatives did not want to give anything up and they didn't. Everybody is happy, except the people who long for responsible government. 

Disaster Aid Reform
Vote Passed (403-0, 26 Not Voting)
The House engaged in a multiple-step process last week in order to finally pass the bulk of an assistance package for victims of Hurricane Sandy (after passing a bill two weeks ago increasing the National Flood Insurance Programs borrowing authority). The first step was passing this bill designed to introduce efficiencies to the Federal Emergency Management  Agencys (FEMA) disaster recovery procedures. Among other things, the bill would streamline environmental reviews, reduce debris removal costs, and allow FEMA to make limited repairs to housing structures if that would be less costly than providing trailers. It would also direct FEMA to provide Congress with recommendations for reducing future recovery costs.
Rep. David Scott voted YES
Does anybody, anybody at all, think FEMA is going to ever produce a budget that saves anything.
There is never enough money, never.
To say that you are going to do that is a bald faced lie.
Upcoming Votes:

Disaster Relief Appropriations Act, 2013 - H.R.152
The Senate is expected to take up the House-passed disaster aid package this week.
To ensure the complete and timely payment of the obligations of the United States Government until May 19, 2013, and for other purposes - H.R.325
Republicans appear to have given up their strategy of using the debt ceiling to extract concessions from President Obama on spending and entitlements. That does not mean they plan simply to raise it, however. Their new gambit, expected to be on the floor Wednesday, would actually suspend the ceiling until May 19. Simultaneously, it would introduce a requirement that if either house of Congress does not pass a budget resolution by April 15 (as technically required by law), members of that house would not be paid until 1) a budget is passed or 2) the end of the 113th Congress, whichever occurs first.

MegaVote is powered by the CQ-Roll Call Group (
Copyright (c) 2013.


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A Poor Choice

Of words by Associated Press.
So they want some action?

This was the greeting photo today on my email service.
Frankly, I do not think there should be special rights for any citizens except the disabled.
The disabled should be protected in a manner that guarantees humane lifestyle wherever possible.
Most special protections (aka rights) are a euphemisms for the application of extra punishment, and financial inducement (aka quid pro quo, or bribes).
For instance, on a religious level I think gay marriage is contrary my teachings, on a governmental level is should be legal.  If gay marriage is legal, then many of the personal hardship issues disappear.
As to the militant factions who want retribution, in about a hundred years the coalition can get governments around the world to issue 'official' apologies for all historical transgressions.


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Our States Remain United

As suggested in a couple of other posts, we've received a response to the petition to succeed signed at the White House website.

Here is the text of the message received.
Petition Response: Our States Remain United
By Jon Carson, Director of the Office of Public Engagement
Thank you for using the White House's online petitions platform to participate in your government.
In a nation of 300 million people -- each with their own set of deeply-held beliefs -- democracy can be noisy and controversial. And that's a good thing. Free and open debate is what makes this country work, and many people around the world risk their lives every day for the liberties we often take for granted.
But as much as we value a healthy debate, we don't let that debate tear us apart.
Our founding fathers established the Constitution of the United States "in order to form a more perfect union" through the hard and frustrating but necessary work of self-government. They enshrined in that document the right to change our national government through the power of the ballot -- a right that generations of Americans have fought to secure for all. But they did not provide a right to walk away from it. As President Abraham Lincoln explained in his first inaugural address in 1861, "in contemplation of universal law and of the Constitution the Union of these States is perpetual." In the years that followed, more than 600,000 Americans died in a long and bloody civil war that vindicated the principle that the Constitution establishes a permanent union between the States. And shortly after the Civil War ended, the Supreme Court confirmed that "[t]he Constitution, in all its provisions, looks to an indestructible Union composed of indestructible States."
Although the founders established a perpetual union, they also provided for a government that is, as President Lincoln would later describe it, "of the people, by the people, and for the people" -- all of the people. Participation in, and engagement with, government is the cornerstone of our democracy. And because every American who wants to participate deserves a government that is accessible and responsive, the Obama Administration has created a host of new tools and channels to connect concerned citizens with White House. In fact, one of the most exciting aspects of the We the People platform is a chance to engage directly with our most outspoken critics.
So let's be clear: No one disputes that our country faces big challenges, and the recent election followed a vigorous debate about how they should be addressed. As President Obama said the night he won re-election, "We may have battled fiercely, but it's only because we love this country deeply and we care so strongly about its future."
Whether it's figuring out how to strengthen our economy, reduce our deficit in a responsible way, or protect our country, we will need to work together -- and hear from one another -- in order to find the best way to move forward. I hope you'll take a few minutes to learn more about the President's ideas and share more of your own.
Tell us what you think about this response and We the People.
I signed the petition knowing that actualization was not possible, and because the President ran a campaign based on class warfare and Republican demonization.
The President came to power during a period of monetary stress within which blame was attached to the opposing political party.  He was not elected on the value of his monetary prowess, he was elected in-spite of any known measurable ability in the field.  In the wake of these elections against weak moderate candidates the President has come to act in a truculent manner that makes clear his intent to install a socialist styled fiscal model that will overtake by  inefficiency the capitalist construct based on the work of Adam Smith.
Like Roosevelt, a great deal like Roosevelt, President Obama is a skilled politician whose objectives are not congruent with a robust economy.  He is fostering the growth of  government that will increasing depend on the very class it objectifies.
For these reasons I have signed that document as a protest of willful arrogance.
Yes, our states do remain united.


A Letter from Joe

A couple of posts ago I spoke of an email received from the White House in response to a silly petition signed.  Well it seems that by signing that petition and providing an email address, I am now a potential convert to Democratic progressive liberalism.  This is a guess on my part, because while the chance on my conversion is zero, based on the friendly tenor of the message.
Good afternoon --
Taking the oath of office is a serious piece of business.
And being part of an inauguration has a way of focusing the mind on what's to come. That's what President Obama meant earlier today when he said, "My fellow Americans, we are made for this moment, and we will seize it – so long as we seize it together."
In the months ahead, we're going to be tested, and nothing about the challenges we face will be easy.
So we're going to need you with us -- to build support for solutions, to help move the country forward.
Make a pledge to be a part of that effort. Say that you'll join us.
As citizens of the United States, we're a people who draw strength from our diversity of opinion. We take pride in that.
When we disagree, we debate. And where there's common ground, we act -- even though those solutions may be less than perfect.
But we never stop moving forward. That's our obligation, the responsibility for which we've been entrusted.
And a duty like that is impossible to fulfill if you act alone.
We need you to step up. Pledge to stand with us, and we'll reach out to add your voices to the debates in Washington, to work with you to make this country a better place for everyone.
Join us for the next four years, and help make history:
Vice President Joe Biden
P.S. -- Watch President Obama's full inaugural address.
Joining the voices in debate for a better America is a fine proposal.  What part of my side of the debate are you interested in debating Mr. Vice President, could it be one of the following?

  • Reduction of rate of national debt expansion
  • Protect of all of the rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights
  • Ending class warfare styled polarization
  • Establishing control over entitlement growth
  • Protecting our borders
  • Deporting illegal aliens
  • Ending voting fraud
  • Solving the differences of opinion between environmental and industrial proponents
  • Lessening the negative business effects of  regulations
  • Fostering harmony between minority rights groups and the greater electorate.

These sir are all things that the left, and our President, has made clear are to be ignored.  Currently the only good Republican, to the left, is an obedient Republican.


Monday, January 21, 2013

Bye-bye London

Caroline Glick often take more energy to read than I have available.  This time the article was worth the effort, as a description of a recent trip to England and how it pretty much convinced her not to return.

Glick quotes the novelist Martin Amis.
I live in a mildly anti-Semitic country, and Europe is mildly anti-Semitic, and they hold Israel to a higher moral standard than its neighbors. If you bring up Israel in a public meeting in England, the whole atmosphere changes. The standard left-wing person never feels more comfortable than when attacking Israel. Because they are the only foreigners you can attack. Everyone else is protected by having dark skin, or colonial history, or something. But you can attack Israel. And the atmosphere becomes very unpleasant. It is traditional, snobbish, British anti-Semitism combined with present-day circumstances.
There you have it, a fair summary by a citizen.  Not a far stretch from the England of pre-WWII, when the some of the royals and elected leadership played footsie with the Nazis right up to the time (and past arguably) their allies were directly attacked.

This is an attitude the is growing in America, particularly in the progressive political-media cadre.  An attitude progressed by an African American President who may very well come to his own prejudice by the well known urban conflicts between Jews and Black.  It does seem to matter to American Jews that the Democratic party is doing their darnedest to distance themselves from Netanyahu and his country.

After a public debate with Daniel Levy, the audience voted for the winner of the debate and Levy bested Glick by a 4:1 ratio.  Glick found both the opponent and audience to be hostile.
First, I can say without hesitation that I hope never to return to Britain. I actually don't see any point. Jews are targeted by massive anti-Semitism of both the social and physical varieties. Why would anyone Jewish want to live there?
Could pictures like the attached be far off in America's future?
This young man is wearing what looks to be Arabic styled kerchief, so the bias may be predetermined. The equivalence suggested is foolish by its design, ignorant of history, and is an omen of pain for all.

Bye-bye London

Hello Friend

Comments added in italic blue.

I am Mrs. Lara DeMoya a former Muslim and been converted to Christian alongside my Late Husband, I am 54 Years Old Woman and we have became more devoted in Christianity for quite good number of years now but I am at this moment suffering with Esophageal Cancer which has affected my health and after taking all type of medical treatments in other to find my self survive it still defiling that I will be only having some few Month to live, according to what the medical experts has observed in me.  That is a really long sentence with strange capitalization.  You light think that a person attempting to steal your money would at minimum try to avoid evidence of the obvious mass mailing.  

My Husband who is now late was killed during the September 19th 2005 political crisis. My late Husband was the Chairman of the Contract Awarding Committee under Budgeting and Planning of our Country.  What country are we talking about, do I have to research this to figure out from the date and then by the chairmanship figure out the name of the person who died from being in the wrong political party. If it is here in the United States perhaps I am in danger by being a member of the NRA.

Throughout the period of my marriage with him, all efforts to bear Children with him proved abortive because of my poor state of health and after his death issues, I inherited all his wealth, with our adopted son by name (Timothy) since he has no other next of kin but it is now obvious that I may not survive my poor state of health. I have deemed it necessary to leave a legacy on Earth and give a positive account and justification of the life I lived on Earth before the Almighty God. This is what I want to achieve by committing this wealth in all Christian Societies or orphanages Homes / widows and the less privileged peoples around the Globe. I am meditating what may happen after death that is why I am taking this decision by giving this Money out to be use to accomplish the Almighty God's Divine Marvelous work around the Globe because I highly believed that I will be with Him in his most perfect and the most peacefully place.

Note that this sum (US$ 12 Million) was secured and Deposited in BCEAO - Benin with my name by my Late Husband and all the related Documentation covering the funds are Highly intact with me as the Co-beneficiary of the Treasure. So on the receipt of your immediate response to me I will forward all the necessary Documents covering the funds before Depositing it in the bank as to enable you open up your communication with them for the releasing of the funds to you as I cannot follow it up right now because of my illness condition. On my response I will immediately receive a request for bank account numbers and access rights, that way money can easily be deposited to my account.  Then some other person will slip into my account and steal all of the money that I have, which by the  way isn't much.

Please Religion doesn't matter in this divine project henceforth I put all my trust in you but do actualize my dreams with this Money for the sake of the Almighty God because My happiness is that I lived a life of a true devoted life worthy of emulation. Your dream is steal my paltry little pile.  

Lastly, I honestly pray that when releasing the funds to you by the bank were the Money is been packaged and sealed it will be well judiciously used for the said purpose as the Almighty god has reviewed for humanitarian services and you should be aware that whoever that wants to serve Him must serve him in truth and in fairness. So Please always be prayerful all through your life in this Divine marvelous Work of the Almighty God.  God doesn't have anything to do with it.  A fool and his money are soon separated. You sir or madam are an asshole for preying on any person simple enough bite on the hook.  

Perhaps I should open an account in a separate bank just for this sort of thing, keeping a balance of like a dollar.  Problem is that most banks these days need to charge a monthly fee for the privilege of toying with these illiterate thieves.   

I wait to hear from you and be sure that all my dreams will rest squarely on your shoulders to be accomplish. Reach me immediately by this email address ( so that I can give you further details.
Also provide me your direct tel/fax numbers to reach you. 50% of this money will be for the work of God, while 35% will be for our adopted son which you will also help him to invest in your country, and 15% will be for you for your assistance. Only 35% of 12 million? 

Thanks once again.
Mrs. Lara DeMoya
aka thieving bastard

Sunday, January 20, 2013

'The Man' Passes

An outfielder of the highest level, who was signed out of Pennsylvania as a pitcher in 1937.
Career Statistics

  • 0.331 lifetime batting average
  • 475 home runs
  • 1,951 runs batted in
  • 3,630 hits
  • National League Most Valuable Player 3 times

Musial signed up for and was selected for military service in 1945 but did not see action.
I never got to see him play except on film, a rare person of class.
Something baseball generally misses today.


Welcome to the Rileys

This DVD has been sitting on my table for a month. You've heard it before. Something that was on my Netflix queue that I cannot remember why I selected it.
Welcome to the Rileys was released in 2010 and directed by Jake Scott whom I believe is released to Tony Scott.
The main actors are few and strong, with...

  • James Gandolfini as Douglas Riley, Gandolfini has been around for a while made is mark as Tony Soprano.
  • Kristen Stewart as Allison and Mallory, Stewart is famous by way of those crappy vampire movies.
  • Melissa Leo as Lois Riley.
  • I saw Ally Sheedy in there as a Harriet, Lois's bitchy sister.  Quoting her from early in the movie...
Okay. I have to drive over here all the way from Zionsville every day because my nutcase sister can't walk down her own damn driveway. Lois? Somehow, someway, and someday you're just gonna have to walk out that door.
The story is about a couple who lost their 15 year daughter a few years ago.  The married parents are left in a sad life that neither can bear. Lois is a shut-in and Doug smokes and cries in the dark of the garage. Douglas goes to New Orleans on a business trip and in a chance meeting finds Mallory in a strip club. Mallory is about sixteen and looks just like the Doug's dead daughter.  He immediately learns that she is a orphaned minor and decides, perhaps serve as her father, watching out for her safety and trying to teach her some basic facts of life while indirectly coax her out of the sex trade.  Lois, on being told by Doug that he isn't coming home, breaks her self imposed prison and drives to New Orleans to be with her husband. After an initial shock the couple takes up the charge of helping this young woman.
Eventually Allison gets in trouble with the law and in a fit of anger runs off, the couple left without a goal and in caring for another has rekindled their love decides to head back to Indiana.  After a couple of weeks Allison calls and says she is headed for Las Vegas, apparently having cleaned up a little bit.  She asks if she can keep in touch which the couple is happy to accept.
Being unsure of what to expect in this movie, I was happily impressed and recommend to anyone.  Gandolfini plays the awkward father figure very well, Leo just as good as the recluse mother breaking out.  Kristen Stewart is impressive.
See it if you get a chance.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Tough Shit Skinny Bitch

Follow the link to, the comments are uniformly unsympathetic to Tina Fey.
I am inclined to agree, you reap what you sow.
You damaged a candidates credibility, made clear you were proud of it, and now you want to distance yourself from the adoring idiots who voted for Obama.  Well, I get the distancing from Obama voters thing, but you earned that love and tough nuts if you don't like it.
Tina Fey skillfully created a characterization that the liberal press treated as newsworthy and defamed a candidate to the extent that McCain could not defend her without being tainted by action.
What Tina Fey did was acceptable to me, how the press repeated the process and ginned it up was another example of their heavily Democratic media bias.
Tina Fey tired of Palin comparisons

Muddy Tracks

Our dog is about the most handsome dog I've had.
He is affectionate and engaging.

But, having been weaned on a farm, he likes the outdoors, and a white dog cannot spend too much time outside when it is wet.

Quincy  makes one of these old folks tubs look appealing. The bubble is ominous though, if they are willing to offer $1,000 off before we even talk, the price must be up there. There would be the added benefit that if I am still in this house 15 years from now, I'll be able to get in the tub before the knee replacement that is surely in my future.

By 2028 I'll have moved on to cats, that is if I can figure out what they are on earth for, or one that likes me more than I like it.

Most See Gun Rights As Protection Against Tyranny

This Rasmussen poll shows that most citizens understand the purpose of the 2nd Amendment is allow for a means to protect themselves from the government.  No doubt that the bureaucrats would have a different opinion, but being in the Constitution, a right granted by god, a obstruction that only can be removed by circumvention.

We have spent some time in the last weeks watching Piers Morgan, and his relentless application of hyperbole to cast guns rights supporters as selfish and worse demonic.  A common tactic being to ask a conservative if the freedom to protect themselves means they have the right to defend themselves with any weapon.  A second tactic is to set up the polarization of those who care for victims and those that are selfish with their pet Amendment.

The first of these tactics I thought about a great deal. My conclusion is this, the founders left the terms "arms" vague, because they understood that types evolve over time, therefore "arms" available should be equivalent  to the "arms" might by employed by the government against the individual.  By that I do not mean that nuclear equipment should be rightfully owned by individual, bombs are only, when employed, offensive weapons used in an unfocused manner intended as much to destroy property as life. 

If we get to the point where the government has the notion to apply weapons of mass destruction against its own citizens, the 2nd Amendment would already have become history. 

65% See Gun Rights As Protection Against Tyranny - Rasmussen Reports™

Thursday, January 17, 2013

You Should Be Speaking German

Slightly different than the Queen LP cover of the late seventies.

Picture stolen from my favorite site at Grouchy Old Cripple where Denny keeps it interesting with French Bashing.  The French are such an easy target.
I heard the French Resistance was made up of  drooling dolts that liked to throw sticks at the spokes.

I think the last line of the title track was, "Get on your bikes and ride".

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Barnyard Fun

Something I heard HUNDREDS of times as a child.
Never repeated it to my son and he turned out alright.
Times change.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

What Should I Say?

A few weeks ago, for fun, signed one of those silly petitions, asking for Georgia to drop out of the union.
Earlier this week I received a response that basically said the petition was frivolous and therefore dismissed.
Not a surprise, I would have said the same thing.
Well, today I received this email from a bot at the White House.

Now, I know this is a programmed response, but imagine if I started laying out my complaints with the administration's handling of issues, trouble would come to my doorstep. Issues such as "Executive Privilege" as applied to the Fast and Furious situation, the bullying of SCOTUS into approving Obama-care under the pretense of applying the "Commerce Clause", running an empty presidential campaign built on dishonest descriptions of Republican candidates, fostering an environment of class warfare, for setting the NLRB onto Boeing for having the audacity to try and run a business profitably,  treating the elected Speaker of the House like Benjamin Netanyahu.
If I laid out a spiel like that, some poor bastard intern would have to read, at least the start of it, and decide whether or not I am some kind of nut.  No doubt, from listening to the likes of MSNBC the characterization would start at "right wing extremist", which would not be correct but would be popular to apply.
Taking suggestions, asking for comments.......


Monday, January 14, 2013


Second Lieutenant Daniel K. Inouye distinguished himself by extraordinary heroism in action on 21 April 1945, in the vicinity of San Terenzo, Italy. While attacking a defended ridge guarding an important road junction, Second Lieutenant Inouye skillfully directed his platoon through a hail of automatic weapon and small arms fire, in a swift enveloping movement that resulted in the capture of an artillery and mortar post and brought his men to within 40 yards of the hostile force. Emplaced in bunkers and rock formations, the enemy halted the advance with crossfire from three machine guns. With complete disregard for his personal safety, Second Lieutenant Inouye crawled up the treacherous slope to within five yards of the nearest machine gun and hurled two grenades, destroying the emplacement. Before the enemy could retaliate, he stood up and neutralized a second machine gun nest. Although wounded by a sniper's bullet, he continued to engage other hostile positions at close range until an exploding grenade shattered his right arm.
Despite the intense pain, he refused evacuation and continued to direct his platoon until enemy resistance was broken and his men were again deployed in defensive positions. In the attack, 25 enemy soldiers were killed and eight others captured. By his gallant, aggressive tactics and by his indomitable leadership, Second Lieutenant Inouye enabled his platoon to advance through formidable resistance, and was instrumental in the capture of the ridge. Second Lieutenant Inouye's extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit on him, his unit, and the United States Army.

The above came to me in an email explaining how the President honored this long standing Senator.
I think for his bravery, for which Inouye was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor, a description of the act is enough.

Here is a link to Wikipedia's biography.

From which I grabbed a clip of military honors earned.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Head Man

A reporter just asked Bill Clinton:
"How's Hillary's head?"

He answered with:
"We'll, she's no Monica."

New Deal or Raw Deal?

New Deal or Raw Deal?
How FDR’s Economic Legacy Has Damaged America

Written by:  Burton Folsom, Jr.
Published by: Threshold Editions
Published in:     2008
270 pages
39 pages of footnotes

This is a relatively new book, loaned by a co-worker with positive recommendation.  The covers the effectiveness of New Deal and the impressions progressive propaganda have made on public opinion of the effectiveness.

There are observations and conclusions that Folsom makes that are both logical and statistically supported.
  1. The minimum wage increased unemployment by overvaluing unskilled labor thus making automation financially advantageous and encouraging foreign competition.
  2. The minimum wage negatively affected black citizens more than the populace as  a whole.
  3. The financial experts in the New Deal such as Morgenthau came to the conclusion that income taxation above certain levels caused citizens to contract and restrict their investment holdings.
  4. New Deal bequests were erratic in application and tended to follow relationships between business and persons in upper government.
  5. Unemployment in the United States increased during the New Deal.
  6. Improvements in unemployment in the United States lagged behind other industrial countries that applied less progressive income tax models.
  7. FDR used the IRS and FBI to attack political opponents.
  8. FDR recognized that onerous progressive income taxes weakened investment, but generally applied pressure to increase levels because the action improved is personal approval levels and therefore electability.
  9. FDR recognized that while models such as Social Security and the Minimum Wage were flawed; the installation of such systems generated dependence and expectation and following with the association to the Democratic Party created an indestructible advantage.
  10. The recovery following the start of the Depression; was the slowest in United States history. Assigned to the philosophical application of Keynesian economics, where government deficit spending is applied to trigger spending cycles.  Depression in the 1800’s, notably during the Cleveland administration, had greater initial unemployment yet came to full normal employment in half the period.
  11. Smoot-Hawley tariffs triggered punitive tariffs by competing countries and overall trade by eliminating foreign markets.
This can continue on and on, for a short book I found it to be fascinating, especially for the parallel actions we can observe today.
  1. TARP spending is generally viewed as inefficient.
  2. Voting cycles appear to be leaning towards the needs of a dependent class.
  3. Union activity is present in both the ad vocation of tariffs on international trade, and the reduction of worker rights.
  4. Minimum wages are being increased at unprecedented rates.
  5. Health Care Reform Act has initiated a new indestructible entitlement assigned entirely to the political party that cares the most (sic).

That is enough from me, I recommend reading the book.

Here is a link to Amazon if you want to check it out.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Shitheadra Jones


Funny video clip that made me uncomfortable to be watching during my lunch break at work.

Congress at Work (sic) presents: MEGAVOTE for January 8, 2013

In this MegaVote for Georgia's 13th Congressional District: 
Recent Congressional Votes –

  • House: Establishing the Rules of the House
  • House: Hurricane Sandy Relief  Suspension

Recent House Votes:

Establishing the Rules of the House
Vote Passed (228-196, 5 Not Voting)
After electing the Speaker, the next order of business in organizing the House is traditionally establishing the rules for that Congress. This is typically a prosaic piece of business, but there were several controversial items in the rules package this year. The resolution reauthorizes the Houses Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group to continue litigation defending the Defense of Marriage Act in the court system. It also authorizes the Oversight Committee to continue its civil action against Attorney General Eric Holder over documents related to the Fast and Furious gun walking scandal. The last controversial provision concerns the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB), a panel created by the 2010 health care overhaul to look for ways to lower health care costs. As envisioned in the health care bill, Congress would automatically vote on the panels recommendations; under the rules of the House in the new Congress, it will not be possible to consider those recommendations. The House passed a bill last March to repeal IPAB outright (Roll Call Number 126). It is worth noting that President Obama has not made any nominations to the panel, so it currently has no members and therefore no ability to make recommendations. Democrats attempted to revise the package twice, first with inclusion of a study regarding the voting rights of delegates from the U.S. territories and Puerto Rico, and later with legislative language to create national early voting. Both efforts were voted down. 
Rep. David Scott voted NO

It is good that they are going to continue with the pursuit of Eric Holder, there is little doubt that the man was involved early in the process, if not the design, and certainly perjured himself claiming to be unaware of the program.  It is doubtful that anything real will come of the endeavor but Holder deserves to have a long excruciating  pain in the ass from it.

Hurricane Sandy Relief Suspension
Vote Passed (354-67, 8 Not Voting)
Speaker Boehner caused no small amount of indignation when he adjourned the House at the end of the last Congress without taking up a relief package for victims of Hurricane Sandy. The delay caused the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) to approach its borrowing limit, necessitating this suspension bill to raise the programs borrowing authority by $9.7 billion. The Senate passed the bill by voice vote later in the day. Boehner has pledged that the remainder of the roughly $60 billion in aid would be considered in the House January 15. 
Rep. David Scott voted YES

I am not sure what to think of this little uproar. The hurricane damage was certainly real and as far as I know no physical relief was ever denied. That Christie would bitch slap Congress over the timing appears to be posturing for the next election.  That the President and the Senate is now looking to load pork into the $60,000,000,000.00 package is hardly surprising.  Why pass up an opportunity to grow the government bureaucracy?

MegaVote is powered by the CQ-Roll Call Group 
Copyright (c) 2013.


They Told Me If I Voted for Romney …

I could not agree with this more with Mr. McCain.  The Federal government had a great deal to do with creating the incentives that led banks to issue risky loans.  After the bubble burst.  The Democrats pounded away on the Republicans blaming Wall Street for doing what they were financially encouraged to do.
For the Democrats it is a win-win-win situation, get constituents in homes they cannot afford taking credit for their magnanimity, create a fiscal crisis that seals two elections Roosevelt-esque style, and create new legislation that allows for greater Federal interference of business in banking.
You have to ask yourself, are that so smart as to devise a plan like that from the start?  Or so blindly acting on creating government sponsored charity that all public opinion is bound to fall favorably on their policies.
I think the later.

 They Told Me If I Voted for Romney …

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Having Aborted Common Sense, Babies Should Be Easy For Charlie Crist

Charlie Crist, loses in the Republican primary, loses as an Independent in the General election, now wants to be an official Democrat.  I say he has all the credentials, selfish and and most skilled in pandering to the welfare dependent segment of the Florida populace.

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Has A Point: Having Aborted Common Sense, Babies Should Be Easy For Charlie Crist

As for Wasserman-Schultz, does anybody, anybody at all think that she contributed to the success of the Democrat party this past election?
To me she looks likes a Jewish Chelsea Clinton.
She is proof that Democrats will follow any dingbat that gets thrown out there, as long as they are willing to tell a bunch of hyperbolic lies about Republican candidates and policies.

Better Force Saves

Carolyn Gudger, used her training and experience to save high school students in Blountville, Tennessee.

Gunman killed at Sullivan Central - News

I do see the logical problems with defense of the 2nd Amendment, but there are related logical problems with the proponents of gun bans.  In our country where the right to defend yourself is promised by the Constitution, there will be misuse of that right. 
I hear statements by liberals that it is too expensive a burden to place armed guards in public schools, this is resistance to a logical and known solution. And, by the way, an argument that is used on the flip side for nearly every liberal cause known to man, you cannot restrict Food Stamps because there is no price you can place on the worth of a growing child, and so on and so forth.
Some form of the 2nd Amendment will continue to exist despite all of the bullshit rhetoric the left is proposing.  For the protection of children, I suggest....
  • State supervised training, testing and registration of persons already in the education system and desiring to legally carry forearms in public schools.  Periodic testing of approved personnel.  Special pay for approved employees.
  • Provision for state funding in the event that local school systems does not posses or have the ability or desire to develop required firearm skills.
  • Have guards in all public schools.
  • Give teachers the right and education to lock down classrooms based on personal condition assessment.  (I am aware that some schools have policies contradictory to this).
  • Metal detectors at schools entrances. Possibly passive in design for elementary levels.
  • Better integration of individual mental health conditions with law enforcement.
  • Magnetic identification cards on school entrances for students and teachers.  Limited access entrances for parents, visitors and deliveries.

How ! Is That

Favoritism reversed, just in the nick of time.
After the election that is.

Cherokee controversy restored to Elizabeth Warren Wikipedia page

Friday, January 4, 2013


Elizabeth Warren, fake Indian, false prophet of the educated,  sworn in a Senator.
Massachusetts voters been smoking much wampum.
Apparently Democrats will vote for a lying bitch no matter what choice is presented.
At least real Indians have the excuse of being plagued by alcoholism.
Hell, because of the drinking a real Indian probably has fair claim to Ted's seat.

And Kerry, I still don't forgive you for having your governmental thugs cut in front of me in line at Logan.


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Why the 2nd Amendment

Being and NRA member, I enjoyed the following editorial from Walter Williams.

 Walter Williams: Why the 2nd Amendment

Founding fathers are quoted in a manner that makes clear the intent and purpose of the 2nd Amendment.  The following quotation of Alexander Hamilton makes clear that the common position of urban politicians, that the second amendment was intended for militias not individuals is b______t.
"If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no recourse left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense which is paramount to all positive forms of government."

Bad Move

On this day in 1788, some 225 years ago, in an action that has once before been attempted to correct, Georgia ratified the Constitution to become the fourth state to enter the union.

There are petitions at advocating secession today, obviously a fool's construct. There can be no separation in a state where the opposing parts are so completely integrated.  That is true in all states no matter what the dominant party or belief is.

That the earning half of the country has a valid complaint that they are being persecuted and financially abused, does not matter. We cannot separate ourselves from the liberal leeches of society.

Nag Nag Nag

This does not reflect one of my moods, but it is funny...
No matterhow beautiful the woman, somewhere there is a guy that is sick of her crap.
- unknown