Changes and comments are added in italics…..
Dear Mr. Voter:
Thank you for contacting me regarding immigration reform. I appreciate your thoughts on this issue. Immigration reform is often a topic of heated debate in our country, and tensions will continue to heighten as immigration reform comes to the forefront of the 113th Congress' work agenda.
I do not see it so much as a heated debate as a series of truculent public statements by Congressmen addressing their constituaents followed by the inevitable inaction that allows the de-factor executive permission for illegal aliens to enter the country to serve as cheap alternative labor desired by corporate America. The Congressmen cannot say it out loud but the proof is in the result.
Please be aware, I do not support illegal immigration. First and foremost, I believe we must stop people from entering this country illegally by sealing off our borders. To that end, I support legislation that requires building an electronic fence and the use of advanced technology to help with surveillance. I also support increasing the number of border patrol agents, as well as further using the National Guard and other military personnel, to help with border security. I support heavy fines for businesses that knowingly recruit and hire illegal immigrants.
Perhaps you do support heavy fines, and strick enforcement of the physical boundary, but your support of the executive policy in party in party line votes suggests that the Democratic block is more important than either real enforcement or honest policy.
However, we must have clearly defined rules that are easy to follow. I do support extending the temporary work visa program as certain industries, such as the agriculture, landscaping, restaurant and construction industries, depend on immigrant labor and therefore must retain access to this workforce. Moreover we must also create a policy to address the millions of people who are already here illegally, as simply deporting nearly 12 million people is not a practical solution. As the 113th Congress moves forward on this issue, rest assured I will carefully consider the opinions of all sides while formulating my decisions on immigration policy.
Careful consideration does not equal voting the Democratic platform. Most all people even on your side of the argument know that the real intent is de-facto amnesty.
Again, I thank you for sharing your views with me. I hope you will continue to give me the benefit of your opinion in the future. In addition, I encourage you to visit my web site at, where you can view the latest news and obtain information on issues and legislation that is important to you. You can also sign up for my electronic newsletter, and receive periodic updates on my activities as your representative in Washington. Thank you again for contacting me, and I look forward to continuing to serve you.
Well, at least he answered.
David Scott
Member of Congress
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