NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox said...
“It’s time to fully restore the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding residents in the District of Columbia. The D.C. Council’s latest gun registration scheme is proof of its continued contempt for the Supreme Court.”
The Supreme Court already spoke on this matter. By dodging the intent the city is ignoring constitutional authority. For this congress is about to give the district MORE of a voice in the House of Representatives, even though this is expressly forbidden in the Constitution. This is what happens when the document is looked at as a living instrument of public opinion.
NRA filed the original suit last summer after D.C. enacted a restrictive gun registration law in response to the landmark Supreme Court decision in the first District of Columbia v. Heller. The historic Heller decision struck down D.C.’s long-standing ban on handguns and self-defense in the home. The second amended complaint challenges D.C.’s current laws, which will become permanent in early April if not vetoed by Congress.
Don't look for Congress to support the Constitution on this one. It's not in the liberal playbook
Under the current D.C. law, prospective gun owners are required to pass a written test graded at the sole discretion of the Metropolitan Police Department. They must also have vision better or equal to that required to get a driver’s license (even for those who just want to possess a collector’s item), submit employment history for the past five years and surrender all handguns for ballistics testing, among other restrictions. The current D.C. law is more stringent than California’s draconian gun laws and bans many firearms commonly owned and used for self-defense. Failure to satisfy these onerous requirements can result in fines of up to $5,000 and up to five years in prison.Isn't it rich, they ignore the Constitution and threaten to lower the boom any a person who attempt s to assert his "god-given" rights. The rights of citizens are asserted in the Constitution to be given by a power higher than government. These fascists, ignore the law, elect creeps like Marion Berry and hope for statehood. Let's move the capitol back to Philadelphia and flood the swamp on which the city is constructed.
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