Saturday, June 11, 2016

Initiative for Civil Courage Online

My Ass!

Why is it that when progressives promote their policies focused on omnipotent bureaucratic control, it is disguised with labels that suggest the opposite of the intent.

In this case suggesting to subscribers that suppression of political dissent is in fact"change" for the positive. My ass it is.

The problem for the left is that in the last 20 years conservatives have found media that suits their predilections. This unifying comunication drives the left nuts, that they cannot, by obfuscation on the part of liberal major networks, pretend that version of life they put forth is monolithic. Challenged, they are getting pissy, frustrated with having their failures illuminated. Their frustration is the genesis for deceptiveness.

The EU is Coming to Close Down Your Free Speech

Countries in Europe are controlled by unelected bureaucrats. Citizens in some of those member countries have had a belly fully of it. Those citizens should have the freedom to decide what they want without being lied to by a bunch of duplicitous politicians.

But in Europe, politicians are just like they are in the United States.

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