Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Kevin Williamson: War Is the Health of the Taxman

This dovetails with what I firmly believe. Like the old saying "starve a cold", citizens should resist all forms of taxation. Our government should not only account for its spending, which now does in both misleading and dishonest application, but it should apply an efficiency evaluation of that money spent. To repeat more simply, the government should report on the effectiveness of revenues spent. This would mean that goals have to be stated, e.g., goal = $. As it is, the government measures effetiveness only by how much money is expended. In that mode, the more money spent the better. How can that be in the best interest of the citizens from whom the money was taken?

When new taxes are introduced it is extremely difficult to uproot them. Our income is siphoned by the government, it is redistributed in a less efficient way than would be employed by the individual. This is done under the threat of imprisonment for failure to comply.

Found this article on the National review site, titled:
War Is the Health of the Taxman

Kevin Williamson on National Review Online

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