Saturday, January 23, 2010

And As I Watched Him On the Stage

My hands were clenched in fist of rage.
This is a thought that I've had for over a year now.
The arrogance and elusiveness of our President is dismaying.
Some people have too much time on their hands, and I am glad for it.
First found this at Grouchy Old Cripple.

1 comment:

  1. As I would have expected from the Progressive Left…again they try too to stifle free speech. YouTube took the site down as they have many others they don’t agree with. I have seen this many times. If the left disagrees with it, they will try to debate it, if they can’t debate it, they will dismiss it, can’t dismiss it, they will try and discredit it, can’t discredit it, they will attack it, otherwise they will just suppress it from being viewed.
    This site is the only one I have found that will still link it!


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