Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Who is John Galt?

Concise opinion placing value in the writings of Ayn Rand, recognizing that politicians left and right work against the freedom of citizens. Poiticians work for themselves.

New Patriot Journal Who is John Galt

1 comment:

  1. Clip from the posted essay.
    Unemployment becomes unmerciful and the poor and hungry are told by the elites to tighten their belts on behalf of their nation as these same elites lived a life of lavishness. A very eye catching statement I noticed when I first sent this link. SEEING RED AZ... Another campaign promise dismissed...I guess Bush said it???
    Taken from seeing red AZ…
    Belt tightening Obama style: Do as I say, not as I do
    Appropriately named Broadway play: “Joe Turner’s Come and Gone”
    President Barack Obama and his First Lady Michelle, landed in New York yesterday afternoon, and then picked up a helicopter from JFK to fly into Manhattan, drove up the West Side Highway, where the northbound lanes were shut down by police for their visit, past Ground Zero, into the Village for dinner at the Village’s trendy Blue Hill restaurant.
    From there, the duo and their entourage hit Times Square, where the Obama’s saw a production of “Joe Turner’s Come and Gone” at the Belasco Theater on West 44th Street. The title of the play could easily have been, “American Way of Life Come and Gone.”
    Following the pair, two other planes carried staff and reporters, Politico reports. All in all, a pricey date night courtesy of American taxpayers.
    Remember Obama’s words during a campaign speech in Ohio? “And that’s why I’m not going to stand here and simply tell you what I’m going to spend, I’m going to tell you how we’re going to save when I’m president. I’ll do what you do in your own family budgets. You got to tighten your belt. You make sure you’re spending money wisely. The government needs to do the same thing.”
    We’re waiting, Mr. President….
    Thanks for the “State of Disunion” essay...It makes my points exactly...

    BTY...Who is John Galt???


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