Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Wal-Mart Interesting Facts

  1. Americans spend $36,000,000 at Wal-Mart every hour of every day.
  2. This works out to $20,928 profit every minute!
  3. Wal-Mart will sell more from January 1 to St. Patrick's Day (March 17th) than Target sells all year.
  4. Wal-Mart is bigger than Home Depot + Kroger + Target + Sears + Costco + K-Mart combined.
  5. Wal-Mart employs 1.6 million people and is the largest private Employer, and most speak English.
  6. Wal-Mart is the largest company in the history of the World.
  7. Wal-Mart now sells more food than Kroger & Safeway combined, and keep in mind they did this in only 15 years.
  8. During this same period, 31 supermarket chains sought bankruptcy.
  9. Wal-Mart now sells more food than any other store in the world.
  10. Wal-Mart has approx 3,900 stores in the USA of which 1,906 are Super Centers; this is 1,000 more than it had 5 Years ago.
  11. This year 7.2 billion different purchasing experiences will occur At a Wal-Mart store. (Earth's population is approximately 6.5 Billion.)
  12. 90% of all Americans live within 15 miles of a Wal-Mart.
You may think that I am complaining, but I am really laying the ground work for suggesting that MAYBE we should hire the guys who run Wal-Mart to Fix the economy because the fools in Washington sure can't do it!
This was sent to me by a co-worker this morning. If all factual, an impressive behemoth. I would suggest the with our encroaching socialist system, that the government already has its suckers attached on one side of Wal-Mart and public disruption policy working on the other side. This is evidenced in the repeated attacks of unions, and the card check system designed to intimidate employees into joining them. Remember, in a socialist system unions = government, look for examples in the access granted to SEIU and the provisions made for union exclusions in the new health care packages. Attacks from the other side via taxation, and zoning resistance. The government intends feast off the profits of this company, by corporate income taxes, dividend taxes paid by shareholders, local sales taxes, property taxes, zoning fees, tariff taxes paid by imported products, payroll taxes paid by employees and the employer and in the end death taxes for the Walton family. Big companies are the lifeblood of government, until the government kills the goose.
Thank you jk for the inspiration.

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