Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Pelosi's Open Process

The Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, by this article suggested that the health care process has been an open book. Here is a direct quotation....

"There has never been a more open process for any legislation,"
OK Nancy you said it, the sound bite is established, don't despair though readers, everybody already knew the woman was a bald faced liar.

C-SPAN is pressing to show the bill reconciliation process, but publicly the lawmakers in the House suggest that the meeting will be informal. Authors Eric Zimmerman and Michael O'Brien wrote....

"Pelosi also hinted that holding informal negotiations--likely without TV cameras--might be the most practical way to push the legislation through."
Splendid, now she is informing us that like Osama Bin Ladin, she's a marked woman and they are going to keep the meeting places and time dynamic, in an effort to stymie the seekers of truth. Can Predator drones see inside buildings? I'll bet they can target on a cell phone signal.

Pelosi tells C-SPAN: 'There has never been a more open process' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room#comments#comments

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