Sunday, February 28, 2010

This Winter Has Been Too Cold

Just two weeks ago we were covered up with snow.  Not very deep but because of the cold it stuck for a couple of days.  This is the crepe myrtle in front of the house, ready for spring pruning.

Friday, February 26, 2010


Ronald Reagon speaks in an LP recording, delivering an essay about socialized medicine. Within he quotes Norman Mattoon Thomas, a six time candidate for President, who suggested the liberal characterization in order to obfuscate backlash toward socialists.  Today we see the same hand wringing over the label of liberal versus progressive.
Liberals, progressives, or socialists, at the bottom if you study Ely is a general beleif system in a rulling class lording over a needful class. This is a rejection of natural law upon which the Constitution was founded. 
Citizen rights come from God not people and especially not elected people.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

This Woman Might Be A Bitch

I am too cheap to give money to women for as little as shaking their ass
This is a good reason to stay away from the entire profession.
They are whacked out.

Duke lacrosse accuser charged with attempted murder, arson ::

Election 2010: Georgia Governor

A couple of weeks ago I listened to the Georgia Democratic candidates for governor debate that was held in Athens. Roy Barnes was a smug jerk through the entire ordeal.  He acted as if he was the governor of education, when every teacher I know wouldn't mind seeing him run over by  the short bus.
And every teacher I know is a lot, there are five teachers in my immediate family, they all think he is arrogant and abusive.
The Republican candidates are not shaping up so well, but at least they are all carrying a better chance of success than the man who killed the flag.

 Election 2010: Georgia Governor

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Responding To Your Message

DGJ sent this to me, looks like he was trying to inform the Senator that he was against S379.  The response from our illustrious Senator suggests that his mind is made up, he is voting for it.  Chambliss uses the argument that since satellite radio has to pay a special tax, why shouldn’t terrestrial.  The correct answer Mr. Chambliss is, get rid of the tax on internet, satellite and cable companies.
My satellite bill showed up the other day and added $20.00 per unit tack on fee to cover this damned tax. Forty dollars I am paying to the government now, extra, for a service I chose to purchase when there was no such tax.
The Chambliss argument is to screw all consumers.
We da the gubmit, and we need MO MONEY.
Should that be…
We da the gubmit, and we need YO MONEY. 

This is the email he received.

What a cop out of a response...

From: Saxby Chambliss []
Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 10:04 AM
Subject: Responding to your message

Dear Mr. Johnson:
Thank you for contacting me regarding S. 379, the "Performance Rights Act." It is good to hear from you. 
           S. 379 was introduced on February 4, 2009, and was placed on the Senate calendar on October 15, 2009.  Currently, internet, satellite, and cable radio stations are required to pay royalties for the music that they are playing.  However, terrestrial radio stations are exempt from paying these royalties, and this legislation would end this exemption.  
             This bill would allow public radio stations and private radio stations with gross revenues of less than $1.2 million to elect to pay a flat fee per year in royalties for their broadcast transmissions.  Religious organizations would continue to remain free from paying fees associated with royalties.  Should this legislation come before the Senate, I will keep your views in mind. 
If you would like to receive timely email alerts regarding the latest congressional actions and my weekly e-newsletter, please sign up via my web site at: . Please let me know whenever I may be of assistance.

New Ayn Rand Study Published

Worth the 15 minutes it takes to listen.
Mr. Driscoll feeds this doctoral author, questions on the how Ayn Rand related to the politicians of her aday, how she would relate to the current parties and the upswing of the Tea Party movement.

Ed Driscoll » New Silicon Graffiti Video: “Ayn Rand: Goddess Of The Market”

Monday, February 22, 2010

How FDR's New Deal Harmed Millions of Poor People

DGJ sent me a link to an interesting article published on the Cato website.
Briefly is describes the effect of New Deal regionally and on the overall economy.
With the massive New Deal programs came taxes, these were used to redistribute income stable Democratic states to swing states where the money would have greater vote purchasing power.
Author Jim Powell says....
A whole generation of Southern's worshipped FDR, while he robbing their wallets.  We have similar promises today, grandiose promises of protection for the needy, while building a tool of taxation that by application hurts those that need the help the most.  Our government should not be stealing from the poor, in the name of saving the poor, for the sake of buying votes.
The largest share of New Deal spending and loan programs went to political "swing" states in the West and East - where incomes were at least 60% higher than in the South.
Link to article:

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Census 2010

A couple of weeks ago while I was staying at a Knoxville Tennessee hotel for a week.   For a couple of days while I was there this trailer was in the parking lot.  They had this beautiful dually pickup truck for trailing it around the country.  The paint job on the $50,000 truck must have cost $10,000, this trailer must have cost another $100,000.  And for what, to travel around the country and make people feel better about being counted.  Or to teach the people how to be counted?  There's a good chance that there are hundred of these rigs floating around the country, millions of dollars in hardware, not to mention the millions spent on the blood sucking worthless government employees who are tasked with fufilling a chore that has been perverted and bloated by poiticians.
If I were a news reporter, the first thing I would be looking for is evidence that the party in power has hired Acorn government subversives, and they are subversives, to fake the count and cook the books, making urban areas more powerful than they deserve. 
Next is an article offered by Walter E. Williams on the census, titled The Census and the Constitution, published February 17, 2010 on GOPUSA.

The Census Bureau estimates that the life cycle cost of the 2010 Census will be from $13.7 billion to $14.5 billion, making it the costliest census in the nation's history. Suppose you suggest to a congressman that given our budget crisis, we could save some money by dispensing with the 2010 census. I guarantee you that he'll say something along the lines that the Constitution mandates a decennial counting of the American people and he would be absolutely right. Article I, Section 2 of our constitution reads: "The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct."

What purpose did the Constitution's framers have in mind ordering an enumeration or count of the American people every 10 years? The purpose of the headcount is to apportion the number of seats in the House of Representatives and derived from that, along with two senators from each state, the number of electors to the Electoral College.

The Census Bureau tells us that this year, it will use a shorter questionnaire, consisting of only 10 questions. From what I see, only one of them serves the constitutional purpose of enumeration -- namely, "How many people were living or staying at this house, apartment or mobile home on April 1, 2010?" The Census Bureau's shorter questionnaire claim is deceptive at best.

The American Community Survey, long form, that used to be sent to 1 in 6 households during the decennial count, is now being sent to many people every year. Here's a brief sample of its questions, and I want someone to tell me which question serves the constitutional function of apportioning the number of seats in the U.S. House of Representatives: Does this house, apartment, or mobile home have hot and cold running water, a flush toilet, a bathtub or shower, a sink with a faucet, a refrigerator, a stove? Last month, what was the cost of electricity for this house, apartment, or mobile home? How many times has this person been married?

After each question, the Bureau of the Census provides a statement of how the answer meets a federal need. I would prefer that they provide a statement of how answers to the questions meet the constitutional need as expressed in Article I, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution.

The Census Bureau also asks questions about race, and I want to know what does my race have to do with apportioning the U.S. House of Representatives? If I'm asked about race, I might respond the way I did when filling out a military form upon landing in Inchon, Korea in 1960; I checked off Caucasian. The warrant officer who was checking forms told me that I made a mistake and should have checked off "Negro." I told him that people have the right to self-identify themselves and I'm Caucasian. The warrant officer, trying to cajole me, asked why I would check off Caucasian instead of Negro. I told him that checking off Negro would mean getting the worse job over here. I'm sure the officer changed it after I left.

Americans need to stand up to Washington's intrusion into our private lives. What business of government is the number of times a citizen has been married or what he paid for electricity last month? For those who find such intrusion acceptable, I'd ask them whether they'd also find questions of their sex lives or their marriage fidelity equally acceptable.

What to do? Unless a census taker can show me a constitutional requirement, the only information I plan to give are the number and names of the people in my household. The census taker might say, "It's the law." Thomas Jefferson said, "Whensoever the General Government (Washington) assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force."

Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University.
All they are getting from me is a number.
Screw the bastards.

Fraudster the Smowman

Not at all creative enough to construct such a song.

I found the song Fraudster the Snowman that was published in early December before the last Christmas.
Written by F.R. Duplantier and posted to

Fraudster the Snowman
Was an enterprising pol,
With a trust-fund life
And an upturned nose
And a heart made out of coal.

Fraudster the Snowman
Was a senator, they say.
He was made of snow,
But the voters know
How he came to life one day.

There must have been some magic in
Those tight blue jeans they found,
For when they placed them on his legs
He began to dance around.

O, Fraudster the Snowman
Found a way to live for free.
While the people pay,
He could laugh and play
And drive around in an SUV.

Huffedy humbug,
Huffedy humbug,
Look at Fraudster go.

Huffedy humbug,
Huffedy humbug,
O the bilge of snow!

Fraudster the Snowman
Knew the sun was hot some days,
So he said, “I’ll hoax
All the stupid folks
And get myself a big pay raise.”

Down to the village,
With a hockey stick in hand
And some bogus graphs
And some doctored stats,
Showing crisis for the land.

He led them to his Waterloo,
Where the facts came out at last,
But he never once admitted that
He was just plain full of crap.

For Fraudster the Snowman
Liked to always have his way,
So he waved goodbye
Saying, “Don’t deny,
I’ll be back again some day.”

Huffedy humbug,
Huffedy humbug,
Look at Fraudster go.
Huffedy humbug,
Huffedy humbug,
O the bilge of snow!

Join the Fraudster the Snowman Fan Club on Facebook.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Was Top Gun Gay?

Brother Scott sent this to me a couple of days ago.
As soon as I saw it I remembered seeing the movie.
Quinten Tarantino in all of his insightful glory.

Swordfight, swordfight!
I think the name of the movie was Sleep with Me.

Now I'm a Believer

This was one of the two Valentine's Day cards that I received.
My dog looked just like these when he was young.
The bride is good at cards and such

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Shel Silverstein's Tribute to Pot

Where the Sidewalk Ends and Falling Up were two of son's favorite books when I was reading to him.
This song will not be published for mainstream consumption.
I would have like to have had a copy of this song 30 years ago for a couple of parties.

IndyMac Loves Their Gubmint Checks

DGJ sent me this link.


I would say that like the twin fuel usage subsidies for the paper companies that were poorly constructed, this profiteering of not only the government treasury but the borrower’s equity is shameful.  Congress should have a committee, since it “controls” the purse strings, with the power to suspend contracts such as these before they evolve.

Erring on the side of honesty, lets presume this is a legislative error, just fix it, as soon as possible.

For the buyers, they are no doubt in the black legally, but I would suggest they be targeted by the IRS.  The IRS who I am sure because of Soros connections will probably be allowed to hide this from income, since its all related to losses. 

Shame on the government for writing bad legislation.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Freddy Falstaff

I was sitting in an ancient Fernandina Beach bar two weekends ago when I looked up at the wall to my right and saw a familiar face.  Years ago, in my fraternity days we had two lamps, promotionals from Falstaff beer, one faced left and the other faced right.  We gave them the names Freddy and Frederick (pronounced FREE der ick) Falstaff.  If I remember right Freddy faces to his right.

Oh the things you come up with when you drinks lots of cheap beer.
Freddy didn't last too long, he was ceramic, and had a chippy personality.

An excellent bar by the way.  At the door there was a lifesized pirate, some sort of theme I guess, the bikers seemed to like it.

When I was young, bikers scared the shit out me, they were at least 6 foot 4 and 300 pounds, and looking to intimidate.  Now they are all the grey haired affluent types that carry around their own pre-moistened toilet wipes.

Get Your Guns Out

I miss these, thank you dgj.

North and South

The difference between the North and the South - at last, clearly explained....
The North has Bloomingdale's, the South has Dollar General.
The North has coffee houses, the South has Waffle Houses.
The North has dating services, the South has family reunions.
The North has switchblade knives, the South has .45's
The North has double last names; the South has double first names.
The North has Indy car races; the South has stock car races.
North has Cream of Wheat, the South has grits.
The North has green salads, the South has collard greens.
The North has lobsters, the South has crawfish.
The North has the rust belt; the South has the Bible Belt.

In the South : --If you run your car into a ditch, don't panic. Four men in a four-wheel drive pickup truck with a tow chain will be along shortly. Don't try to help them, just stay out of their way. This is what they live for.
Don't be surprised to find movie rentals and bait in the same store... Do not buy food at this store.
Remember, 'Y'all' is singular, 'all y'all' is plural, and 'all y'all's' is plural possessive.
Get used to hearing 'You ain't from round here, are ya?'
Save all manner of bacon grease. You will be instructed later on how to use it.
Don't be worried at not understanding what people are saying. They can't understand you either. The first Southern statement to creep into a transplanted Northerner's vocabulary is the adjective 'big'ol,' truck or 'big'ol' boy. Most Northerners begin their Southern-influenced dialect this way. All of them are in denial about it.
The proper pronunciation you learned in school is no longer proper.
Be advised that "He needed killin" is a valid defense here.
If you hear a Southerner exclaim, "Hey, y'all watch this," you should stay out of the way. These are likely to be the last words he'll ever say.
If there is the prediction of the slightest chance of even the smallest accumulation of snow, your presence is required at the local grocery store7. It doesn't matter whether you need anything or not. You just have to go there.
Do not be surprised to find that 10-year olds own their own shotguns, they are proficient marksmen, and their mammas taught them how to aim.
In the South, we have found that the best way to grow a lush green lawn is to pour gravel on it and call it a driveway.

AND REMEMBER:  If you do settle in the South and bear children, don't think we will accept them as Southerners. After all, if the cat had kittens in the oven, we ain't gonna call 'em biscuits. 

Guess I am out….

Thank you sf.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Court Strikes Down Seattle Gun Ban

Some times the courts, at least from my point of view, get the decisions right.
In this case, as in many cities across the country, municipalities under the preise of protecting the public, make laws that clearly interfere with constitutional intent.

Judge: Seattle gun ban is illegal KOMO News - Breaking News, Sports, Traffic and Weather - Seattle, Washington Local & Regional

Now the folks in DC need to be thrown in jail, they loose in the Supreme Court, and turn around and defy the ruling by adjusting the statute, thereby restarting the process. For this defiance of the rule of law, for the defilement on the Constitution, Congress should defund the city.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Is The Party Over?

Not yet, but this group is far from being close to popular.  Reminds me of the satirical song "There's a party in my pants and we want you all to come".

This website promotes the anti-tea party.  On the first page there are the pictures of three conservative activists, giving their phone numbers and suggesting they end their support of the Tea Party movement.
These men the site targets are:
  • Randy Hultgren: Who sponsored a health care bill, that includes in quotes "will kill people". It is possible that such words were used, I am going to find the bill and study before rendering opinion.  I would ask, is this one of the health care proposals that the dimocrats keep claiming have not been offered as alternative to Obamacare? 
  • Arie Friedman: Who advocates eliminating Meidcaid and has the audacity to doubt the "proven science of global warming".  Hey jackass, GLOBAL WARMING is not proven, it is based on fraudulent data manipulation.  The reason you cling to this notion is that it fits the progressive self-loathing deconstructionist teachings of your priozed government education  The same education, I might add, that provided no understanding scientific peer review and the lack thereof.
  • David McAloon: Who is pro-life and pro-gun.  These are described as dangerous ideas, last time I checked, gun ownership is protected by the second ammendment.  And the pro-life stance, well it's his right to disagree with current law, as long as he acts lawfully.
The mission statment of the website is.....
To prevent the Tea Party's dangerous ideas from gaining legislative traction.
The objective of this group is....
Our Strategy is simple. This movement is a fad. Some of their ideas include the belief that programs like Social Security and Medicare are socialistic and should never have been created in the first place and that President Obama is a Socialist. Other ideas include undermining the legitimacy of the federal government in favor of a radical rightwing form of state’s rights. We need to prevent their dangerous ideas from gaining a legislative foothold. So our strategy is to spread the truth about their dangerous ideas and prevent their policies from taking root in America.

Let's see. The movement is a fad. The party may be a fad or even short lived, but the causes for the are fear of bourgening debt, and fear of the construction of an institutionalized dependent majority.  Depencies on government redistribution of wealth will eventually create enough drag on the productive capacity of the country so as to reduce the mean standard of living for the whole.  The main populace my not understand my weak description, but they all understand the problem intutively.  You can't spend more than you make without eventually paying the difference.  Unsupported governemnt growth cannot be factored away by inflation or increasing the money supply.

Social Security and Medicare are socialist policies, that is a fact. It is also a fact that these programs have helped many people over many decades.  The current complaint now is not so much that they exist, but their growth being unrestrained.  As and aside, I don't mean inflationary growth, I mean growth of scope.  The missions statements of those programs have long been forgotten.

Undermining federal dominance in favor over states rights is definitely an objective of tea baggers.  This is because citizens recognize that state goverments are better tied to citizens by their proximity and more appropriately respond to local pressure.  The balance between state and federal goes back to the framing of the Constitution, in arguments between Hamilton and Jefferson.  Hamilton's efforts were somewhat thwarted by Jefferson, thus the development of the Federalist Papers which explain the authors intents and fears.  This issue includes the Whiskey Rebellion, and the Civil War.  Since the Civil War, the Federal position has slowly gained dominance, the coup de grace being Roosevelt's New Deal in which many Constitutional barriers were ignored for the creation of progressive programs. This fight is not dangerous, but it is unending, and frankly, the progressives are winning.  This is an effort to keep the loser down.

Visit the site, try to figure out a way to make their life unpleasant, that is exactly what they are suggesting by targeting patriotic citizens.

Doctors and Unemployed

Four doctors at a conference are bragging about their homelands…


The Israeli doctor said: "Medicine in my country is so advanced that we can take a kidney out of one man, put it in another, and have him looking for work in six weeks."


The German doctor said: "That is nothing; we can take a lung out of one person, put it in another, and have him looking for work in four weeks. "


The Russian doctor said:  "In my country, medicine is so advanced that we can take half a heart out of one person, put it in another, and have them  both looking for work in two weeks."


The Kentucky doctor said:    "You guys are way behind. We recently took a man with no brains out of Illinois and put him in the White House and within SIX MONTHS, half the COUNTRY is looking for Work.


Thank you DGJ

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Saudi Arabia Rejects Pakistani Diplomat

DGJ sent me the link to this story.  Only Monty Python did it better.

Here in the United States, would we first have crisis counselors to help the children harmed by hearing the name, then there would be a panel constructed to study moniker for its true benefit to society.

Why didn't some person in the Paki State Department, or whatever they call it, have enough knowledge of the Arabic language, to know that this was going to be offensive to the people the diplomat would have to interact with. It's no wonder the people are always squatting with their asses touching the dirt.

Saudi Arabia rejects Pakistani diplomat because his name means “huge penis” in Arabic

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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Palin Uses Her Hand

Big deal.  GOPUSA has a fun article today covering the clamor about the Sarah Palin writing notes on here hand.  Within Bobby Eberle quotes some mainstream media sycophants, notable her by Chris Mathews..

Can a palm reader be president? What do we think of kids in school who write stuff on their hands to get through a test? What do we think of a would-be political leader who does it to look like she's speaking without notes? What do we think of Sarah Palin this weekend answering pre-screened questions from a like-minded audience in Nashville, a tea party convention, and still having to put a cheat sheet on her palm to answer what she calls the basics of her beliefs? How can someone presume to be auditioning for president when they can't even answer questions they know are coming?
For Chris I have marked and photographed my own palm.

There no doubt this commentary is the byproduct of anxiousness over the criticism the President receives for being tethered to a teleprompter. Any hint of similar activity must receive comments of equal derogatory depth. I do not care if the President uses a teleprompter, frankly I don't care if what he says is planned or a spur of the moment. It is all crap.

This voter is trying to keep his eyes on the actions, so far I see liberal-progressive-socialist dogma, centralizing power for the intellectual elite, and dictating terms to a lower caste public. This so far is true in the health care debate, handling of terrorist policies, handling of foreign policies and recession correction.
So to condense, I will deflect the words of any man who, talks both down and at me.

Chris Mathews, you are a blow hard.  Sarah Palin has a list of reminders on her hand, this is used to give a speech that the audience enjoyed and could respond emotionally to. The President you cheer for uses a teleprompter so exclusively that any chance for adaptative behavior or acceptance of feedback is removed.

Monday, February 8, 2010


I have been out of the house for a long weekend in Florida, took the bride horseback riding on the beach.

The news told me that Representative Murtha passed, my first thought is that I hope this man suffered.
For that I am embarrassed.
Looking at the links on my page to site that I enjoy reading, it seems that other had more honesty in expressing their anger.

In 2005 Murtha acheived stardom in the democratic party by publically denouncing then President Bush's war plans.  In  this loftly esteem he was portrayed as a military expert because of his record as a Vietnam veteran.  What he was was an edge to the knife that the liberals were searching for.
To give him credit Jack Murtha was the first Vietnam veteran to be elected to Congress.  While we are giving credit, he was was also unabashadly proud of his title "The King of Pork", in his long service this representative bought home the goods.  He was also touched in the FBI's ABSCAM investigation, having been recorded on tape discussing transactions with undercover agents posing as potential sources of payola. The man was probably dirty but it could not be proven.

I am sorry for his family and friends, nobody deserves loss like that.
I am happy for the country, nobody deserves selfishness like that.
By nobody, I mean us.

If you want to see nasty, jump over to Gotta Get Drunk First.

Middletown explosion: was power plant blast caused by gas leak?

This explosion happened very close to where I grew up.
Hope that there were not the two fatalities feared.

Middletown explosion: was power plant blast caused by gas leak?

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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sword attack at Georgia Tech

When you send your child to college, this is not one of the things I imagined that he would have to avoid. After sending the kid an email linking to an amazing Michelle Obama figurine offer, I suppose now he doesn't have the time to be on-line shopping.  He needs to be at the pawn shop buying a pistol.

Bring a sword to school, you are expelled, Tech has a "No Tolerance" policy.

The attacker already had his PhD, what hey hell did he have to be upset about?
Usually the anger is the reversed.

Sword attack at Ga. Tech  |

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DGJ sent me a link to this site suggesting that I might want to get one.
What a smart ass.

Thinking forward, I think Ms. Obama could hardly wait for a commemorative stamp, then she would have the whole country licking her back side.
Statuesque, stylish, and completely full of herself!


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Obama Screws With Reid's Re-Election

In the cycle Harry Reid will have to defend his Senate seat against Republicans and democrats.
At risk, he is, enough by his own moronic actions. 
Fellow democrats, like Chucky Schumer, are spreading money around to party candidates in order to position themselves for becoming the replacement Senate Majority Leader.
Now the President is pissing off the citizens of Nevada by disparaging their primary industry...
"You don't go buying a boat when you can barely pay your mortgage," Obama said. "You don't blow a bunch of cash on Vegas when you're trying to save for college. You prioritize. You make tough choices."

The following story reports that the President has offered an explaination which contradicts the above statement. The serving as not so much an apology , but an "that's not what I meant to say".....

Obama responds to ire over 2nd anti-Vegas remark -- GOPUSA

I don't really care so much about the President's intent; he probably did not mean to disparage the people of Nevada.  He was just talking about money and the prioritization of its use.  Which make me wonder, if President Obama is so knowledgeable about how to spend money, why does he endorse a budget that promotes spending repeats past bad programs? And another thing, if there were billions to be saved in the Medicaid and Medicare programs when the healthcare bill was presented, now that that bill is stalled, why aren't these stupendous savings in the new budget.  I tell you why, because its all bull shit. 
I've gotten off course, getting back to topic.
The words were delivered with probably no more bad intent than those the President uses for Republicans.  But these words will undermine Reid in his home state to a depth that should make it impossible for him to get re-elected.  Considering the cut throat mentality of Rahm Emanual, was the intent to dethrone Harry Reid?
I don't know, a weak Harry Reid is far better for Republicans than an omnipotent Charles Schumer.
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