Fanny and Alexander if the semi-autobiographical movie written and directed by Ingmar Bergman. Released in 1982. This is the story of two children, as titled, of father Oscar and mother Emilie in the early 1900's of Sweden. Oscar, the beloved owner of a theater dies and the mother Emilie marries a local bishop. The bishop and his family are minimalists in a Puritan like deity. The children having lived in the artistically rich theatrical world of their father and grandmother don't fit very well. The are immediate conflicts between Alexander and the bishop. Eventually the the mother Emilie escapes with the children and the bishop dies in a terrible accidental fire. The children return to the luxurious home of their grandmother the beautiful farmer actress.
- Best Art Direction-Set Decoration
- Best Cinematography
- Best Costume Design
- Best Foreign Language Film
- Best Director
- Best Writing, Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen
Very strong work by Bergman, take to time to watch you will not be disappointed.
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