Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Walter Williams on Racial Double Standards

Mr. Williams suggests that one reason that the press does not savage black politicians is a double standard. All politicians, nearly all anyway, make statements that are dumbfounding. I have done it all my life.
No doubt there is a double standard with the demarcation being black and white.
There is also the simple fact that liberal politicians are treated in a kinder gentler fashion simply because many of the editors, and reporters doing to writing are spiritually aligned with the Democratic politicians are trying to say. Intentional or not the effect is obvious, when the FOX tribe reports from a different mid set, the progressives are repulsed by behaviour they they embrace, favoritism by the majority of main stream press.
The educated conservatives in public have recognized this for years, men like Cronkite and Rather were in the Democratic end of the pool for years before men like Nixon created lists of enemies, which they were, and was crucified for it.
This is nothing new and probably will not change unless it becomes more profitable to convert.
Even then it's false at the core, like the RHINO politicians.
Walter Williams

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