Wednesday, January 28, 2009

100 Years Ago Today

January 28, 1909, United States armed forces left Cuba with the exception of the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base. Cuba had been ceded to the United States after winning the Spanish-American War.
You know, the sinking of the Maine, Teddy Roosevelt, the Rough Riders and all that stuff?
A hundred years later, our newly installed President will be closing the prison at this Naval Base. A high priority of no consequence to the dimocrats, watching the teeth gnashing of the elitist MSNBC led national media, over where the prisoners will be housed has been amusing. Placement at the base was pragmatic and cost efficient. Stories about torture were a pile of bullshit, aimed by the media at the executive branch, as a means of separating the Republican base from its party leadership. Viola, we get McCaina weak candidate, he looses the election, the dimocrats make a change of location, all continues as already initiated, the main purpose achieved, get a dimocrat in the White House.

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