About 500 people marched to the White House and threw about 40 pairs of shoes at the gate while tourists looked on and took photos.
Supporters say they acted in solidarity with Muntadhar Al-Zeidi (MOON'-tuh-dahr ahl-zay-EE'-dee), the Iraqi reporter who threw his shoes at Bush during a news conference in Baghdad in December.
The event was sponsored by several peace groups. Organizer Jamilla El-Shafei of Kennebunk, Maine, says the event allowed protesters to express their anger over Bush. She says he is "leaving with no accountability for eviscerating our Constitution."
No accountability, my ass, these liberal dip-shits think that on any issue where the President's position is contrary to the left is evidence high crimes. If you think Bush eviscerated the Constitution, wait till you see what jug ears plans to do. The left has aims to obliterate the 2nd ammendment, via taxation remove the personal property of citizens, and cede national sovereignty to global governance. The Constitution charges elected officials to guaranty these rights are maintained. Do you think the left gives a rat's ass about the intent of, or even the plain words of, the Constitutional framers?
Hell no!
On a lighter note, it seems that Jamilla's shoes went threw the gate, when she asked a guard for their return, she was informed that she might start walking home barefoot.
I hope the snow is really deep in Kennebunk.
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