Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Bill Maher Uses Brett Favre's Penis Sexting To Bash Sarah Palin and White Men

Bill Maher has had his funny moments, but in the end he is a bitter man who enjoys impaling large groups of people on his comedic pike. The host of HBO's Real Time who has before blamed the 911 attacks on the United States and regularly uses his pulpit to take his homeland down a notch. NewsBusters reports...
"how pathetic and clueless white American males have become because the kind of guy who thinks there are women out there who just cold want to see your c--k is the same kind of guy who thinks Sarah Palin is swell and tax cuts pay for themselves."
So we have Brett Farve, he does something everybody knows is wrong. This comedian sees that as an opportunity to slam men that have a different political opinion. On the surface, it seems that Maher has irrational anger issues.
I have said many times that psyches of liberals are based in their insecurity. Maher strikes me a perfect example of an insecure male, a little unattractive middle aged man without enough talent to hold a major network show. Maher has the political insight equivalent to Chris Mathews, at best emotionally shrill, at worst mean and hateful.
Brett Farve deserves abuse, but there is no logical connection between improper sexual advances and the political viewpoint of a prominent woman. Unless of course this insecure man has an unresolved attraction to emotionally secure and attractive Sarah Palin. Why not, she is everything he can't be.

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2010/10/16/bill-maher-uses-brett-favres-penis-sexting-bash-sarah-palin-and-white#ixzz12qJ1V5KN
Bill Maher Uses Brett Favre's Penis Sexting To Bash Sarah Palin and White Men

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