Tuesday, December 20, 2011

69% Say Photo ID Voting Laws Are Not Discriminatory

The other 31% have never cashed a check in their life.
Is it a Steve Earle song that goes?
"the road goes on forever and the party never ends"
69% Say Photo ID Voting Laws Are Not Discriminatory - Rasmussen Reports™

Except in this case the the b-s goes on forever and the benefits never end.
Leave it to the Democrats to defend the voting rights of illegal immigrants and dead people.
More than two thirds of the voting population have no objection to the approved  legislation, yet the Executive branch of our government, followed by race baiting Democratic Congressmen, followed by an adoring media will spend a good portion of this campaign cycle raising frivolous lawsuits and wasting my good news viewing time. It's all dishonest crap, designed to keep the minority and liberal elite votes locked up.

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