Comments in italic blue...
Dear Sir/Madam,
My message will definitely come to you as a pretty RE: Anger Management , I feel pretty.... surprise as we have not met before. Notwithstanding, the circumstances surrounding my plight compels me to contact you for a serious business transaction.
Briefly, my name is Fawaz Hussein, Personal Assistant to the late Lt. Muammar Al Gaddafi, President of Libya, who was killed by the NATO Forces I thought that Ghaddafi was a Colonel, and that he was killed by a bunch of lunatic Arab Spring dudes led by WRONG Lt. Gen. Charles Bouchard, here in Sirte Libya.
When late Lt. Muammar Al Gaddafi, saw that we had indeed lost power to the NATO Forces led by Lt. Gen. Charles Bouchard Fawaz likes that name here in Libya, he directed me to look for an escape route by moving cash outside that will help us soon as we are able to leave the country. His instruction was successfully carried out and the sum of US$65 million, was successfully moved in cash to a safe custody.
Now that Lt. Muammar Al Gaddafi, is dead and as his personal assistant I have no free movement I thought the uprising was all about freedom Fawaz, is the problem that you are in jail for being a thieving bastard??, I am therefore, contacting to entrust the US$65 million in your name, the nameless trusted person hands and would want my share of the money invested in lucrative ventures for me.
I will give you full details NOT of the transaction soon as I receive your positive NOT NOT response and most importantly, an assurance from you NOT NOT NOT to protect NOT NOT NOT NOT and enhance my interest on your receipt of the money NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT .
Looking forward to emptying your bank account your positive response is blow me a positive statement? as well as doing business with you.
Yours faithfully likely enviously ,
Fawaz Hussein
Libya. no street address, how can I check for references?
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