Tuesday, October 2, 2018


Not long ago I found the wife watching a reality show and realized the man trying to get off a deserted island was Senator Flake.
Not Exactly Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
If Flake succeeds in bringing Kavanaugh down, the GOP deserves to go down with him.
Senator Flake is happy to be unencumbered by the promises and allegiances he made to become elected. It is fair to say when he made it clear that he considered himself to be the better Republican option for Presidential candidacy in 2020, he had lost all touch with the red wave that put Trump into office. These statements make clear his revulsion to the Democratic portrayal of Republican voters.
This is a perfect example of why passage of the 17th amendment was a travesty of justice, removing the ability of state governments to remove and replace standing Senators. With six years terms Senators have become immune to their state's political goals and left free to raise campaign money on a national level making them more answerable to groups like the national Chamber of Commerce and for that matter national political parties.
These days Senators have disdain for the people they claim to represent.
The Davis Cup is reserved for special assholes, like the soon to be private citizen Jeff Flake.

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