Monday, August 9, 2010

58% Oppose Federal Mortgage Forgiveness Plan for Troubled Homeowners

Isn't inability to fulfill financial obligations what bankruptcy is for?
In the Progressive world, the persons feelings are most important, it isn't fair that a person have the stigma of having filed for bankruptcy, they must feel good about themselves, therefore it is the government's responsibility to protect them from such feelings.
Two out of every three citizens are against such support.
Those that would support such government intrusion are most likely the same group that would buy a house with a history of inability to pay rent, and for the more affluent buy houses that are overpriced and payment structured with balloons that are intended to be sold before the nut comes due. These are people that bought beyond their means, in many cases beyond their intelligence.
Myself, when the rates fell, I refinanced, kept the same payment and cut down the number of years remaining on the term.
Protecting the the deficient from the restraints imposed by bankruptcy, is akin to weak parenting, exactly why the Democrats will like it.

58% Oppose Federal Mortgage Forgiveness Plan for Troubled Homeowners

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