Monday, August 9, 2010

Handel and Palin

Borrowed this picture from the AJC.
Here is one of the covering stories.
Palin backs Handel as Deal crosses the state for final push

When one of my engineers asked if he could work over the weekend to free up time for attending this rally, I figured to be doing my part for representation.
Asked by another friend who I was supporting, she supports Barnes, why I was picking Handel.  May answer was that she did ot have the stink on her that Nathan Deal does, supports FairTax, she's a woman and she has no visible scars. 
The response I got was that she doesn't have a college degree either.
Elitest reaction for sure.
I want change, I want turnover, Deal and Barnes are cast from the same lot.
Here Mableton, the home of Roy Barnes, men and women alike, consider the man to be arrogant.
Teachers hate Barnes with passion.

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