Wednesday, June 9, 2010

American Power Act

Or APA for short, brought to your by past presidential candidates Kerry and Lieberman.
Received by way of magazine, this will be posted eventually at, PaperAge Managing Editor John O'Brien writes that the new Senate proposal dubbed "American Power Act" has more to do with friction than power.
Senator Kerry says this is not a 'cap and trade' bill but a pollution reduction bill.
"I don't know what 'cap and trade' means, I don't think the average American does".
I think that Senator Kerry is counting on the fact that Americans do not understand 'cap and trade', this because the underlying intent of these bills is control of carbon usage.  That means, for the most part, everything that uses energy will have to be appraised and evaluated for appropriateness and efficiency of energy use.  The government is not so much concerned with efficiency but that is the sales pitch.   Who trusts the government to have that much control in our lives. Not me.  The temptation for the government to use this tool as a means of social engineering will be too great to resist.
O'Brien writes that Climatologist Chip Knappenberger says that if the United States reaches its goal of 83% gas emission reduction, by the year 2100, global temperature will be reduced by 0.111 degree Celsius, that is same as 0.2 degrees F.  How many polar bears is that going to save.
Senator Kerry claims that APA will spur growth in the job markets by way of green energy industry expansion.  What he does not address is the number of jobs that would be lost by the increased costs of supporting the government bureaucracy, or the increased cost per family, estimated at $500 each by the year 2035.  In my appraisal the only way there will be more employment will be if every poor bastard has to work at the government compost heap. 
Let's sum it up, increased costs, less employment, vacuous promises, negligible calculable return, sounds like a liberal plan to me.

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