Monday, December 28, 2009

BO Poll

The best possible outcome for the Copenhagen Summit on climate change would be:

A sweeping new agreement for radical restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions.

No agreement, but a promise to pursue new joint ventures to stop climate change.

A complete collapse of the conference with angry finger pointing from all parties.

President Obama defects to Denmark.

A massive tsunami engulfs all of Copenhagen.


A sweeping new agreement for radical restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions (1 %)

No agreement, but a promise to pursue new joint ventures to stop climate change (5 %)

A complete collapse of the conference with angry finger pointing from all parties (27 %)

President Obama defects to Denmark (48 %)

A massive tsunami engulfs all of Copenhagen (17 %)



Don’t expect that this was a real poll. but thanks anyway for the fun, to dgj.

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