Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Ex-President Carter Makes Nice to Jews

In the following linked article President Carter is given credit for making ammends with the Jewish community.  Within he makes the statement:
"we must not permit criticisms for improvement to stigmatize Israel."
Now, what the hell does that mean.  It certainly does not read like an apology.  I would suggest that he is saying his criticisms should not be received in a way that makes the Jewish community feel aliented.  Which leads to the conclusion that if President Carter's suggestions were followed,  Isreal should just accept the criticism as constructive, informative, even as guidance.  Subsequently they could proceed with laying down in front of an uncivilized enemy.

I have recently come to the conclusion that Democrats, and to a lesser degree Repulican politicians lean in Isreal to make concessions because it makes for a good publicity, coupled with the reality that there is no chance that the enemy religious-states will make serious concessions. 

Ex-President Carter offers apology to Jews  |

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  1. Why is this surprising??? Peace at all costs…. This IS NOTHING BUT “Neville Chamberlain” all over again (should be Chamberlame or Carterlame). This is a shell of a man who’s grandson is getting into politics….This cannot be repeated from a Carter!!!! Once was bad enough…..not to mention his Mega-Clone….BO (BTW far worse)… We could learn a lot from Israel…Now the enemy and KILL IT!!!!!!! I

  2. Another BTW....Sites of interest...

    I also have talked to allot with a friend from Lebanon…the PC & the diversify crowd wants you to look the other way, well it doesn’t work…. Lebanon was A CHRISTIAN COUNTRY….Read history how it was HI-JACKED by Muslims that name their unborn children after rockets that are fired into Israel with the sole purpose of killing innocents… Take for... example…The nut job in IRAN….They think that ending the world will send them all to paradise… the MARTER COUNTRY….


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