Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Cap and Evade

Congress has been wrestling with legislation for cap and trade. In this program the government would set a limit on emissions of green house gases. Then companies would exchange markers allowing excess emission. The government would sell these markers taking a profit, making manufacturers pay for worthless paper that legally allows them to spew more smoke than some arbitrary level some bureaucrat sets, or worse some international committee sets. Because of the lethargy, the EPA is threatening to impose the emission levels and simply fine the guilty. What they are after is money and to create a deterrent to industrial expansion. What they will get is industrial contraction in participating nations and industrial expansion in third world countries.

In the following YouTube we have Charles Krauthammer decribing this extra-contitutional threat and predicting revolution if it is enacted.

Reminds me the the Steve Earle song The Revolution Starts Now.

Here is a link to the lyrics.

I do believe that if the government goes this far to eviscerate to Constitution, perhaps its time to start considering real resistance. I called this entry "Cap and Evade" because if thepoliticians install the cap, we'll suffer the economic cost and the politicians that installed it better hide.

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