Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Harry Reid Wins, Again

Here we have coverage of the Senate Majority Leader suggesting similarity between those who resisted ending slavery to those resisting National Health Care.  A tactic that suggests that if you cannot win on the merits, smearing the opposition may be the means to the desired end.
This dude needs to be deep sixed like Tom Daschle.
Go to the following link which is a post on TownHall.Com, in an article call "The Loft".

GOPUSA - The Loft

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  • For those of you familiar with GOPU, the Davis Cup title is named for the classically inappropriate Robert Vernon Davis. 
  • Other names for the award are AR for Anus Rectum and Golden Toilet Seat.
  • This is the third time Harry Reid has been proclaimed reviled winner of this award.

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