Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Science: Another Ice Age?

Time Magazine 35 years ago. Discussions and articles expressing concern over global cooling.  Much of the title story attribute variation in Earth's temperatures to nature, sunspot activity and global variations in thermal patterns. Thirty-five years ago the scientific society was worried about another ice age.  Excerpt from the linked article...
Whatever the cause of the cooling trend, its effects could be extremely serious, if not catastrophic. Scientists figure that only a 1% decrease in the amount of sunlight hitting the earth's surface could tip the climatic balance, and cool the planet enough to send it sliding down the road to another ice age within only a few hundred years.
Read more at this Time.com link.

I do not have scientific knowledge in this matter, but I do have significant statistical training and it is pretty clear that we have politicians and financially motivated pseudo-scientists, using small amounts of data to predict the future. Any mathematician knows that the bigger the sample size the more accurate the prediction. Apparently the current predictions of catastrophe are possible if the data source is small, obscure and secret. Politically the real objective is for global minded liberals to deconstruct industrialized nations, allowing third world and expansionist nations to profit filling the void. Evidence of unscrupulous data manipulation has been exposed, but is not even being discussed in the Copenhagen meetings. What I read of these meetings reports is that this is all about how much money the European Union and the United States will pony up.

Don't kid yourself, this is all about money, who has it and who wants it.

Any politicians that seek to make my lifestyle less affluent, less protected or colder deserve to live in the world they are bound to create. Not the unacheivable world of utopian safety they talk about, the one they stumbing towards with their destructive policies. I will resist in any manner I can imagine.

Science: Another Ice Age?

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